What do they ask/talk about at your physicological visit?

I have read in several profiles that their physicological visit lasted around 2-3 hours. What on earth do they talk about at this visit? Mine is a little ways off yet, but I am really curious. THANKS    — Mrs B. (posted on October 22, 2001)

October 21, 2001
Mine was very brief. I filled out a couple pages of questions in the waiting room. I answered the questions based on how I have felt for the past week, questions like have you felt depressed and so on. I was called back by the doctor's nurse, she sat and talked to me for 15 minutes. Her questions were about my family, medical history, and the dumbest question of all, "after WLS you may want to eat a sandwich, but you won't be able to, what will you do?" Duh, I won't eat it, if I do I will be physically ill, I must admit, I don't get the thought process behind that question. But anyway, she said let me get the doctor, she went into the hallway and I could hear her talking to someone, she came back into the room alone and said the doctor does not need to see you and we will be happy to recommend you for WLS. AND THAT WAS IT!!! I was in the doctors office, including waiting room for less than 45 minutes. Now you will probably get answers from those that did spend up to 3 hours with the doctor, but that does not happen to everyone.
   — DebbieJ

October 22, 2001
Mine lasted all of an hour and was really intense. Alot of questions concerning whether I'm a grazer, child hood and all that baloney. I had to wait months to get in to see him, then it was another two months and the horses a## never typed up my report!. After two months of waiting I started calling every couple days. Then he wanted me to see a dietitian (which I had already did 18 months before). He jerked me around and so did my insurance company. It was a nightmare. Then I had to wait awhile to get to see the dietition. All in all it was a nine month wait to get aproval. I hate lying, but I know I will NEVER be honest again when dealing with these money hungry shirnks. Anything you say "can and WILL be used against you". By the way, I am adjusting very well, so all the baloney with the shirnk was a waste. It's just a "cover your a##" thing with them, the doctor and everyone involved. And it's another excuse for the insurance company to deny you. I know most people here don't think that's the case, but sometimes it is. I wish anyone the best of luck when dealing with the shrinks. I know there are some good ones out there, as I know a few of them, but many of them are'nt and they seem to be the one's my insurance company wanted me to see. I'm sure glad mine is over.
   — Danmark

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