Would it be wise

to start taking vitamins and protein suppliments 5 months prior to surgery?    — Happy B. (posted on October 2, 2001)

October 2, 2001
I don't think it could hurt. They sell Over The Counter Pre-Natal vitamins at most drug stores. I know many people that took pre-natals (myself, included) while they were trying to get pregnant in anticipation of the vitamin needs their bodies would have. I don't think the surgery is any different... I didn't stack up on extra protein before the sugery because I figured I was getting quite enough with all the meat I could eat at that time. LOL! But I did start taking vitamins pre-op. Good luck!
   — FireJewel

October 2, 2001
I asked my surgeon that question. He said, take prenatal or a womans vitiman, walk when you can, take your normal meds and relax. I asked if i should stop the baby aspirin he said no, i asked if i should try to diet..he laughed. He said not necessairy. all of us will have different answers. But his seemed pretty sinsible to me and hes done it for years. Good Luck (I would however beef up a little protein here and there...cant hurt!!)
   — Jackiis

October 2, 2001
Our docs locally encourage that practice. Not the full set of vites you need as a post-op, because your stomach is still in working order, but a good multi, some vit C, and protein supps. You can shop around and they become "familiar" by the time of surgery. They also noticed a few side effects. The tissue was easier to handle and the pts had fewer complications, even if they were higher risk going in, like fewer infections & lung problems, as well as faster healing. The people themselves were up & running sooner, too.
   — vitalady

October 3, 2001
Hi Happy! Cheri-n-Houston here. If you have 5 months you can do things to make your transition easier. Starting your routine of taking vitamins is one thing. Adding exercise, eating more protein, taking calcium, and cutting down on sugar and sodas will help you prepare for the changes to come. Also you might start tasting protein drinks to find some you can tolerate before you HAVE to drink them!
   — ctyst

October 3, 2001
I agree with everyone, start now to make the job easier on your surgeon. I did about 5 months of prep. I started walking every day, and taking my vitamins. I didn't take the same things I take now, but I did get into the habit. Plus it probably boosted any vitamin deficiency I may have had pre-op. The walking was a really good habit. I believe I push myself the same amount with my walking now, but I can go so much farther and faster since I lost half my excess weight. I also started really focusing on my eating habits, trying to chew a lot more and eat more slowly and always eating my protein first. All of this was good practice, though nothing like the real thing. Any efforts you make now will pay off in the long run. Go get em.
   — kcanges

October 3, 2001
I think I understand how you must be feeling. We work so hard trying to get approved for the surgery...all the paperwork and testing and fighting with insurance companies...calling everyone everyday. Then after approval and our first surgical consult, there is nothing left to do but wait. I thought the waiting was absolutely the hardest part. I wanted to be doing something, anything, to make the surgery come quicker and go easier. So sure, why not exercise and take vitamins. It can't hurt. I am in the same waiting mode now waiting for my tummy tuck on Nov. 1. I asked surgeon if there was anything I could be doing that would prepare me for the surgery or make it go better. Know what he said? exercise and vitamin C. (he knew I already took my vitamins.) Good luck.
   — Anne G.

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