biolage products

I was told you can experience some hairloss after surgery,well I love my hair. I was told Biolage products were good to use does anyone know if this is true and also recommed other stuff that can be used. surgery date is oon and wanna plan now.    — Alice E. (posted on March 21, 2005)

March 21, 2005
Hi Alice, The Biolage products do work for some people. I actually developed an allergy to them, so they weren't such a great thing for me! LOL! There are several things that you can do to help. My surgeon recommends that we take 220 mg of zinc sulfate daily - it helps your body metabolize protein. I also have a friend who swears by this stuff that she got through a friend - it's called Hair Fix - and the web site to find it is at - she said there was nearly a night and day difference once she started it. Hope that helps some! Blessings, dina
   — Dina McBride

March 21, 2005
I haven't had surgery yet but i have used the biolage products before and they worked great for me, I wouldn't use anything else
   — tracidb

March 21, 2005
Just keep up with the amount of protien that the dietitian tells you to intake each day.....That will help prevent hairloss.......Im 2 months out now and haven't experienced any cuz I keep my protien intake high!!!
   — Brandon H.

March 21, 2005
Hi Alice, I haven't yet had my surgery but I have several friend who have and I have been attending tons of support groups. I know many said that the two things that helped them the most was to keep their protean high and to take a good vitamin. I personally started using a skin, hair and nail vitamin. It was recommended to me at a support group. I have only been taking it for about a week and my nails are super hard and my hair already looks better. I wanted to be like you and start ahead of the game. Several women I have talked too that did both these things didn't loose ANY hair, in fact a couple of them said their hair improved even after surgery taking these two things. Zinc is also important and vitamin C with rose hip. Try them out now and check different brands see which works best for you! Good luck on your journey!!
   — lorie_nicole

March 21, 2005
I use Nioxin has Biotin in it which is one of the vitamins that they say help to prevent hair loss. I hate pills so doing shampoo is easier. I found that the shampoo has helped although I did not lose much hair but the strands I was losing improved with the usage of this shampoo. I still use it.
   — dcox94

March 21, 2005
It is simply not true that EVERYONE experiences hair loss. I did an intense regimine of folic acid, B12, calcium and zinc for about 1 year pre-op. I was alo sick a lot post-op and was only getting about 30 g protein/day. I experienced NO hair loss. <br> As much as my best friend and hair professional LOVES her product line, she would not ever tell me a product that would guarentee no hair loss. Hair grows from within. Excellent nutrition and supplementation help, but there is never any sure-fire way to prevent hair loss.
   — kultgirl

March 21, 2005
Hello - I am now a 2 year post op (down 135#). I experienced only a bit of hair "thinning" for about a month. You must remember to take all of the vitamins that are MANDATORY --- such as Zinc, Protein, and Multivitamins. Just relax and enjoy your inevitable weight loss while taking your vitamins !!!!! Good Luck !!
   — Kewpidoll

March 23, 2005
Protein is the key, not hair products. The first 6 weeks, you need 75 grams of protein per day, then 65 grams after that until you are 3 mths post-op, then 55 grams after that. Protein is important for healing, for prevention of muscle loss, for healthy hair, skin and nails. I recommend ISOPURE (zero carbs) ready made drink (from GNC, other health/vitamin stores or online). ISOPURE has 40 grams of protein in each 20 oz bottle. Another good drink is a recipe I was given from the bariatric center I go to. In a blender, mix 4 cups of milk with 1 cup of Carnation dry milk, and 1 packet of Carnation Instant Breakfast for the carb conscious (chocolate or vanilla flavor). This makes 32 oz of fluid that has 60 grams of protein in it. A box of carnation dry milk is approx. $7 for a regular sized box. The instant breakfast has 8 packets in a box and costs about $4. 1% milk is recommended for the first 3 mths post-op, then you can switch to skim milk after 3 mths. I hope this info helps you.
   — csanchez1111

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