Is WLS possible if there are kidney issues where protein ingestion is harmful?

Just visited my PCP who found possible kidney problems...was reading that sometimes a decrease in protein ingestion is recommended to help with kidney function. I understand that protein ingestion is vital after WLS; has anyone encountered this before? Is gastric bypass surgery still possible if there is a kidney issue?    — brapke (posted on August 17, 2004)

August 17, 2004
I can't give medical advice, of course, but just report what I've seen. I've personally known 2 people with kidney issues (1 with 1 kidney) who had WLS to put less strain on the kidneys. They both went primarly vegetarian in food and used the whey proteins as proteins. I think if you follow the progress of how protein is broken down in the body, the partially digested whey subjects the body to less strain than having to break down other forms of protein without the benefit of a fully working anatomy. One is now 5 yrs out and her kidney is fine. The other is less, but also doing quite well.
   — vitalady

August 18, 2004
I had wls 7/04/03 and have kidney problems. I specifically have problems with kidney stones and was on reduced amounts of protein before the surgery to help controll the formation of the stones. After surgery I have had A LOT of problems with my kidneys and constantly have at least a dozen or more stones in each kidney. My urologist however feels that this is NOT due to the amount of protein I am getting (because the amount you can eat is so decreaced that I am actually not getting any more than before)rather it is due to my kidneys having a problem dealing with the wastes that are formed when fat breaks down (losing weight rapidly). When fat breaks down it turns into an acid and it is this substance that is causing so many problems for me. My weight has stabalized over the last couple of months and my kidneys have been feeling much better as well. I would do this surgery all over again even knowing the troubles I would have to deal with with my kidneys but, in all honesty for ME it did cause some problems. Just one bit of advice, it is VERY important to make sure your getting enough pottassium afterwards. I myself take a suplement and go out of my way to eat pottassium rich foods. It somehow helps the kidneys function. If you want more info you can read my profile and e-mail me :) Mindy 251/144/138
   — Mindy R.

August 18, 2004
The reason protein is so important post wls is that it is just as important preop. your body needs protein to maintain muscle and all of your organs. That said, despite what you may hear unless you have a DS you probably do not need any more protein than a non WLS person. OK I'm gonna get killed here. your protein needs can be calculated by a dietician. I need aprox 60 grams a day per the dietician I work with at Bariatric treatment center (now Barix Clinics) thay have done > 25,000 procedures over many years, and I trusr their expertise. You will read a lot on the internet that is simply not true and not based on any research or medical basis. You need to sort it out and talk to a DR about this who is experienced and knowledgeable about gastric bypass. . I do not supplement protein and usually get quite a bit more than that. the reason the emphasis is on protein is that you need to eat it first to insure that you get enough in, not that your needs are so much greater. Does that make sense? With your limited post op capacity you won't want to fill up on carb or junk.
   — **willow**

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