Could internal scarring be causing me to not be able to hold any solid or pureed food

I had my lap surgery on 9/30/03 and was fine until mid-May. I could no longer hold any solid or pureed foods. I became dehyrated from vomiting if I ate any food thicker than clear liquids. In the past 6 wks I have had 5 upper endoscopies with dialation and I am scheduled to have another one next week. After my first upper endoscopy, I was advised I had an ulcer and was given medication. My surgeon did a revision on me 7/8/04 whereby he reconnected my stomach to my small intestine. He told me he has never had a patient with this problem--this really scares me. My question is has this happened to anyone and could it possible be from scarring internally? I am at wits end now and need to stop losing wt. I have also been sent to the ER 3 times this past month so I can get rehydrated. I need help asap. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I have been living on Isopure since mid May. Thank you! Patti    — COOKIE1 (posted on August 7, 2004)

August 7, 2004
A normal stricture is caused by scar tissue - and the more you get it closes up and you cant eat; then eventually drink if it s let go... Most get strictures around 6 - 8 weeks post - not as far out as yourself. Most are 'fixed' by dilation; sometimes more than once. Did your doctor to the reconnect because of the ulcer?
   — star .

August 7, 2004
I had to have a encoscopy, colonoscopy, and gall bladder sonogram at about 4 wks. I have abrasions where my pouch joins the new intestine. The drs. put me on donnatal and protonix. I am just now, 9 wks out & 60 lbs lighter) are beginning to realize that the meds are working. Just suggestions to mention to your drs. to help you. These abrasions were caused from the surgery. Good luck...Judy
   — juju524

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