Has anyone experienced pain after second bit of food?
I am nine months post-op and have been experiencing a very sharp stabbing pain in the top of my stomach after the second bit of food. I had an Upper GI two days ago and my surgeon said it was normal. We had it out in his office yesterday as he seemed to give me so medical reason, said he had never seen this in all his 32 years of bypass surgeries and wanted to send me to my Primary Care Doctor. Well, my Primary Care Doctor didn't do this, he did. My pain is real. He ordered an endoscapy(sp) only to provde to me that nothing is there. Liquids go down okay, its everything else. Please, somebody help me. I'm already in therapy and I am tired of taking Viocodin to be able to eat. Have lost 95 lbs with another 40 to go. — lindabaptiste619 (posted on July 29, 2004)
July 29, 2004
I don't think this is the same thing but you never know. I have been
having pain after the first couple of bites since I started solid food. I
normally happens after I eat meat. In the begining they just said my tummy
hasn't healed enough for meat. Now they just say my tummy is sensitive (6
months out). Still to this day I can eat something and it hurts after the
first or second bite. Then the next day I can take a bite of the same
thing and it doesn't hurt.
— Cameron Van Winkle
July 30, 2004
I am almost 5 months post-op and had experienced this pain upon eating
anything dense. Liquids, salads, etc., would go down fine. I kept
complaining to the doc's office but they thought it was possible that
things were still healing and so on. Finally, about 3 weeks ago, I was
given an upper GI. Two weeks ago I was scoped and dilated. The dr. told
me I wasn't really strictured enough to warrant the dilation once he got in
there and saw it but he stretched the stoma very slightly anyway. He
doubted it would make any difference. I'm here to tell you right now that
it made a huge difference! That pain hasn't been back. I tried hamburger
last night and was uncomfortably full after an ounce but at least not in
pain. Perhaps you should discuss an egd with your surgeon. Hope you get
better soon. Deb
— debbiecork
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