Are there any dating sites focused on WLS Singles?
I am trying to figure out how to go about dating again now that I have had surgery. I am almost one month post-op so it is still new to me, but I don't want to wait. Any advice is welcome?!?! — Lori K. (posted on October 6, 2003)
October 5, 2003
Yahoo groups has a WLS for singles support site. I get email digests daily
and it's pretty neat. Just go to yahoo groups, ossg singles.
— Happy I.
October 5, 2003
There is also a group called wls singles. When you are in Yahoo groups you
can search with ossg or wls and all the groups will pop up.
— snicklefritz
October 6, 2003
yep wls-singles is under 'groups' onm the yahoo home page! it has a lot of
members mostly women!! but we are all in the same situation and i have high
hopes for the site!!
— janetc00
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