Is there any preparation pre-op for hair loss?

I'm getting very close to surgery and getting a little nervous about it (I'm scheduled for 9/30/03). I constantly go through the before and after photos and can't wait for my results. Any advise and comments would be welcome, especially regarding hair loss. Thank you! Patti    — COOKIE1 (posted on September 13, 2003)

September 13, 2003
Hi there. I really am not aware of too much you can do before surgery. I didn't start losing my hair until I was about 4-5 months post-op. You should really stick to the diet and vitamins. These really do help. I think for me it's definitely b/c I did not get in the right amount of protein. I tried mind you but it's tough when you don't really want to eat anything. PROTEIN PROTEIN PROTEIN! Good luck and God Bless.
   — Kitty Kat

September 13, 2003
I was very worried about losing my hair. I was overweight but also vain! I started taking hair vitamins and popping multivitamins about one month before my surgery. I also take all the vitamins that my doctor tells me to take since my surgery. I get my protein in most days. I still lost a lot of hair. I have 2 co-workers that also went through the same surgery who haven't lost any hair at all. I think it is just the luck of the draw if you will lose your hair or not. I know one of my co-workers has never got in the protein she should and didn't lose any hair. You have to look at it this way. I do not like the hair loss, but it is all worth it in the end because of the weight loss. I have so much energy. I went from wearing a 22 to a 6 and 8 right now in almost 5 months. I feel so good. I do not have diabetes any more for now. I have no aches or pains in my legs and feet. I can tolerate the hair loss for all the other benefits. Plus the hair loss won't last forever; hopefully, the weight loss will last the rest of my life. Good luck.
   — Lisa C.

September 15, 2003
Patti, I too am up for WLS on 9-30-03, and more nervous than scared. Worry about the pain, hair loss more than anything, I already have thin hair, but I plan to follow my Dr.'s order's and hopefully it won't happen to any of us. Although, look at it this way, by the time the hair loss starts the weithloss will be so big, everyone will be looking everywhere but at your hair. Lots of Luck, Best Wishes, God Bless! Patti
   — pateblkbrn

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