I am pre-op and I have alot of the physical symptoms of dumping

In my progress of doing the research to have surgery, I've been at this web site everyday and I've realized that I have dumping symptoms alot of the time after I've eaten. I feel shaky,naseated(sp!), diarrhea...and just in case someone suggests this..I am not diabetic because I've already been tested. Is it possible I might have gall bladder problems? I'm just worried that if I can feel like that NOW after I eat(usually about 20-30 min later) what the heck am I going to do post-op?!??!!!    — kathleen-Joan piper (posted on February 17, 2003)

February 16, 2003
Sounds like lactose intolerance. I had that pre-op too, and I figured it out through reading stuff on this site. If that is it, you'll probably be really intolerate afterwards too, like I am. Try going a few days without any dairy products and see if you feel better.
   — Monica H.

February 16, 2003
Hi Kathleen, congrats on researching WLS! Are you dumping on all foods or possibly foods w/sugar? Have you tried to eliminate certain foods from your diet to narrow it down to one or two specific foods that give you this problem? When my gallbladder acted up, the pain was literally unbearable and had me doubled over when it hit - very different than the nauseaus/dizzy feeling when I would dump. I had my gallbladder removed when I was 6 months post op. From what you described, it doesn't sound like your gallbladder (but I'm not a doctor; just have my experience to go on). Good luck to you and keep us posted.
   — Maureen S.

February 17, 2003
Could it be hypoglycemia? I used to have hypoglycemic attacks sometimes after eating carbs + caffeine. For some reason it mattered what order I consumed those in. I would get shaky, nauseated, weak, etc. Just like dumping because that is, in fact, what dumping is: a hypoglycemic episode. Not to say it couldn't be your gall bladder but my gall bladder is fine and I had those attacks preop. I don't think it makes any difference postop. I dump but usually only when I eat stuff I shouldn't. Eating small frequent meals helps both preop and postop. I have occassionally had true hypoglycemic episodes after WLS but only if I wait too long to eat. Check with your dr to rule out any other causes but if nothing else checks out, it's probably hypoglycemia.
   — ctyst

February 17, 2003
I was the same way before surgery. It was IBS (irritable bowel syndrom) and it never affected me again after surgery. I was also test for diabetes, hypo-glycemia and has an ultra-sound of gall bladder, all tests were normal. It's funny how soon after surgery that these things are back to normal. Best of luck to you!
   — Dana B.

February 17, 2003
I'm also pre-op (working on approval). I have to deal with symptoms like yours as well. I have been diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome too. I haven't gotten shaky on many occasions. My problems are mostly with the severe diarrhea and doubling over from the cramping, it's often accompanied by nausea when it's at its worst. I'll have to say, it's comforting to hear that someone's IBS cleared up after surgery. Sugars seem to be a big trigger for me, as well as overindulgence. Nausea and cramping can also be a sign for gall bladder problems as well. I don't know if you experience bad cramping with your episodes, but it sure does seem like my symptoms with IBS. If the episodes just started as of lately, I'd be concerned about the gallbladder, if you've suffered with these symptoms for a long time, I'd bet it's IBS. I take Levbid (Levisin) & Imodium to control the symptoms of IBS. If I were you I'd talk to your doctor about having an ultrasound to check your gallbladder, and if it isn't that, ask about IBS and a trial treatment. Good Luck! -Kara
   — KaraLDavis

February 17, 2003
You need to explain those symptoms to your doctor , they are not dumping. Believe me when I tell you , when you dump post op , you will know the differance. I dumped post op in work about six months ago and I could not even move , I had to be physically wheeled out of the room until the symptoms lifted. I had gotten a free candy bar and ate the whole thing at once. I won't make that mistake again!
   — Rose A.

February 17, 2003
Pre-op I suffered with severe irritable bowel, and it sounds a lot like what you are experiencing. The good news is that it seems as if a lot of people, including myself, have greatly improved on the irritable bowel symptoms after RNY. I used to have attacks almost daily. Now I rarely have those symptoms. I don't know if it is the surgery or the changes in the diet. It does seem as if a lot of people who suffer with IBS are very lactose intolerant after surgery, I am. I can dairy products in moderation, but rarely actually drink milk. In the mean time, see a gastrointerologist and he can prescribe drugs that will really help control the pain and cramping.
   — cindy Q.

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