Am I alone in not noticing 100 pounds gone??

I am a few days shy of 6 months. I have lost about 100 pounds (its an educated guess, my scale is messed up and my next appointment with the surgeon isn't for a few weeks). Everyone tells me how great I look. They tell me how I look so different from my wedding picture of a year ago and I just don't see it. I mean, yeah, I know I am wearing smaller clothes, but I still feel like I look no different and really I feel no different. Does anyone out there feel or have felt like this?? Or am I completely nuts????    — bevewy (posted on October 6, 2002)

October 5, 2002
No, you are not alone. I am 11 months post-op and down from 272 to 144. I realize that I have all new clothes and look different to other people (many do not recognize me), but when I walk through a store or into a room where there are people, my fat self thinks "they are looking at me because I'm so fat." Yesterday I was at a yard sale and was looking at some things, tried on a coat that wrapped around me almost twice. A lady standing next to me said, "you are much too tiny for that coat". TINY??? I've never been called tiny before....hmmmmmmmmmmmmm wearing size 8 & 10, down from 28 and 3X, maybe I am...TINY????????? Maybe others do see me as "tiny", but I still think FAT.
   — Janice B.

October 5, 2002
I am no where near that much down I am only 2 weekspost op but I cannot ever imagine seeing myself as anything but massive. I have lost 25 lbs and I am amazed and so happy but when I look at myself all I see is mass big blobs of mass and I cannot imagine that being different. I think that a huge part of this surgery is mental. It takes a large mental toll. Not to the point of being unhappy I just mean the mental tolls are amazing. Good Luck I bet you look marvelous!!!!!
   — Peggy A.

October 5, 2002
Nope, you're not alone. I'm just over 5 months and down about 93lbs and I don't totally see it. Of course when I was 325lbs I didn't see myself for what I was then either. Only in pictures did I see me for me. Which is why I hate having my picture taken. I'm beginning to wonder if my mind's image will ever match what my real physical self looks like!
   — LisaTaz

October 5, 2002
Beverly...I am only 2 weeks post op, but down 33 lbs. already. Those around me say they can tell, but of course I don't. I often wonder if I too will continue to see myself as heavy. I have decided that seeing a therapist could help me as the pounds come off. Have you thought of that? Losing so much weight and especially so quickly is difficlt for most and I firmly believe that reaching out for emotional help is very important....Best of luck to you, Sweetie!
   — karmiausnic

October 6, 2002
I lost 120 pounds in 6 months, but it took me ANOTHER 6 months to see how I really look. Relax, it will come in time. Photos are helpful. It gets wierder. When you look in the mirror and see a DIFFERENT PERSON! Thats good because soon after that I adjusted to the real me:)
   — bob-haller

October 6, 2002
I am 11 months out. My highest weight was 340, now I weigh 159. I fit into tens and twelves. I also do not fill thin at all! I am still waiting for my head to catch up with my body. It still blows my mind that I don't fit into the clothes at Lane Bryant. There was a time when I also didn't fit into the clothes - because I was too big!
   — Julie S.

October 6, 2002
I think how you precise yourself is a head thing. For me I know my wieght loss. I see it, I feel it. Everyday, I remember the pain the misery that 472 pounds caused me. I look at the person in the mirror and am liking the reflection more and more. I still have a long way to go. I have lost 170 pounds in 10 months and feel the difference everyday. Try to remember the person you were before and then think about the difference in you today. The other good tool is to keep a picture journel. It will really show you the body difference on the way down. Find a pre-op picture of yourself and then start documenting from now on. It will amase you. If you don't have that much more to lose then It might not help you now.
   — bbjnay

October 6, 2002
Yes. I know exactly how you feel. I am 11 mos. post op, and have lost 100 lbs. and holding. I started at 286. I am getting all kinds of compliments, which I don't know how to handle. The reason being, I didn't do this surgery to receive compliments, I did it to get off all my meds (which I have done) and to obtain a healthier lifestyle. I am so grateful for this. But when I get out of the tub and look at myself I see the same fat woman before the surgery. I know the sizes are smaller, I know I feel better, but my head hasn't caught up with the changes yet. Will that EVER happen? I don't know if I'm finished losing yet or not, I hope not, but I am so grateful for my second chance at life. Peace on your journey.
   — Annie H.

October 6, 2002
Hey Beverly what you are feeling is "normal", I hear it takes apx two years for your mind to catch up with your body. When I was 280 pnds I didnt see myself fat, and now I am 168 I see myself fat, try to figure out that logit lol...I wasnt expecting all the compliments either and sometimes they can be overwhelming since I cannot see myself the way others do. I went shopping yesturday and found myself still looking at the "womens plus sizes" grrr. I had to make a detour to the smaller sizes, being a large and sizes 12-14, hell I even tried on a extra large becuz my brain just dosnt except that I can wear a smaller size, so lets just enjoy these moments of glory and when we are all at our goal and our minds have caught up with us, we can look back and have a giggle or two about this...Good luck hon and congrats too!!
   — Deanna Wise

October 6, 2002
I can identify! I am 5 months out and down 136 lbs, my clothes don't fit, in fact, my friends and family tell me I look like a bag lady in my clothes, but I feel huge. I have another 114 to go until I reach my goal. I still feel like I'm 408 lbs even though I can do so many things that I could never have done before. The brain just can't keep up with the body. Take pictures and compare later--you'll be shocked!
   — jenn2002

October 6, 2002
I just wanted to share an experience I had recently. I had an RNY in January and I'm down 120 lbs. I haven't been able to buy many new clothes because I was just laid off for the second time this year, so everything I own is too big. I went to Ross and tried on some clothes; I guessed at the size, and picked XL. They turned out to be slightly too small, but I was AMAZED at what I saw in the mirror. Suddenly, seeing myself in clothes that fit (more or less) really made me understand how far I've come, and got me excited for the future. I'd recommend going someplace and trying on some really nice clothes, an outfit that you really like. You don't have to buy it--just try it on in the fitting room and really take a good look at yourself. You might get a more objective view of yourself if you see yourself in unfamiliar clothes and surroundings.
   — Roxanne M.

October 6, 2002
I am not down a hundred pounds yet, only 61. You said that you don't feel any different, is that true? With losing 61 lbs., I feel sooo much better. I have a ways to go, but alot of the aches are gone, my acid reflux is gone, and I am hardly ever short of breath anymore! Try and remember six months ago right before your surgery.....didn't you feel alot worse than you do now? Hasn't your quality of life dramatically changed for the better? Have a great one and God bless!
   — Lezli M.

October 6, 2002
Beverly, you are not alone. I can see in my mirror that I have lost weight, but I still go throughout the day feeling as big as when I was over 300 pounds. I look at my new size 14 clothes and think they have shrunk, no way am I going to be able to fit them and I try them and they fit. I turn sideways when going through narrow doorways. I look at furniture and gauge the size before I sit down. I don't know what size I am when compared with other people. My surgeon gave a notebook and stated this could cause a problem and suggested taking monthly pictures so you can recognize how you are changing. He also suggested asking people to give you a reality check by showing you what other body types compare to yours. I hesitate doing this, because I don't want people to think I am getting vain.
   — Lisa N M.

October 6, 2002
i have lost 180 pounds and i look in the mirror and all i see is a fat person still....
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 6, 2002
Boy is this an appropriate question for me. My friend is having surgery on Thursday. She called me tonight and I told her I feel SO fat. I look in the mirror and sometimes i see a 314 pound woman, and other times i don't. I weigh less now than I have in over 15 years. Yet, I look at my legs and my stomach and they are HUGE!!! my mom keeps telling me they are not huge compared to 5 months ago, but I see FAT FAT FAT!!!
   — candymom64

October 6, 2002
I think we all have this problem of body image disorder, especially if we've been large and fluffy for any length of time. We avoid looking at ourself in the mirror because we know that we ARE fat and when we finally get it fixed we still have that image in our mind. Take pictures of yourself in something that really makes you feel good and makes you look extra thin and put it beside a picture of the way you were before the operation ... you WILL notice a difference. Feel good about your weight loss and your progress. It was over a year before I hit the 100 lb. mark -- I thought I'd be the only one who didn't make it. I'm now at 120 lb. loss and hope to lose about 10 more lbs.
   — Betty Todd

October 6, 2002
   — ANGELA L.

October 6, 2002
I had open RNY on 6/20/02 and I am down 66 lbs. I feel just as big. I started at 404 and am down to 338lbs. I am still big, but people always make comments to me on how I am shrinkin, I just don't feel it yet. I thought it was only me!
   — Courtney S.

October 6, 2002
After losing 130 pounds, and after having lost it very quickly, I also could not tell. I think it is common for our bodies to lose weight, but our minds to not have caught up yet with the new image. Give it some time, as you will adjust to the new body, as well as a new self concept. You are doing great!!! and I bet you look beautiful!!!
   — twenc

October 7, 2002
It also took me a very long time to see the weight loss! I am a "lightweight", as everyone puts it. I started at 242# and am down to about 157#, after almost a year. I most likely will never see that 100# mark, as I only wanted to lose 97# to get to "goal". The first 6 months I wanted to see results... and NOW! I couldnt tell the difference, if my life depended on it. Then, all of a sudden, the weight was gone, and my body was shrinking. I know now I was losing inches the entire time I couldnt see any changes. Even today, if theres no weight loss, I am getting smaller. Im in size 9 jeans compared to size 22 last October. It feels good knowing I can walk into any store now and buy what I like. Dont worry, youll come to that day where you finally notice how great you look. Be patient, thats what got me through, and that was a very hard thing for me, believe me. When I stopped worrying about it, thats when it dawned on me. Relax! Good luck & God bless!
   — Kerry P.

October 7, 2002
I think it takes our mind much longer to catch up with the weight loss than the body does. At 82 pounds lighter and a size 12-14, I get lots of compliments now, even from hubby. But I tend not to believe them, as I still feel overweight..not quite "fat" anymore but definitely overweight. I have taken the before and after pictures and altho big improvement, the size 12-14 me is still big in my eyes. Luckily, I should continue to lose for a while longer. Those who have made it to size 8, though, I wonder, how can they think they are overweight? The head plays tricks on us. I think for most of us, we were heavy for so long, its a difficult "head" adjustment.
   — Cindy R.

October 7, 2002
I have to join in...seems we all feel the same way. I had open RNY on May 14, 2001. I've lost 135 lbs and gone from a tight size 24 to a comfortable size 4. I started out at 252 and I now weigh between 117 and 120. I have dipped as low as 113. Just Saturday night at dinner, I met a new couple who are friends of one of my good friends. She had never seen me before and after talking for a while, I got up to go to the restroom. When I returned to the table, my friend asked if I minded telling her friend how much weight I'd lost. Of course I didn't mind, but what really blew me away was when my friend told me that her friend called me 'so tiny' without knowing I'd ever lost weight. What makes this really special is that I was up to 120 on Friday and really having a hard time with feeling bloated on Saturday. This whole conversation reminded me how far I'd come and how much more in control I can be if I let myself. Some days I still feel really fat and others I feel so amazed. I used to think the people who wore a size 10 were tiny. I have to remind myself that a size 4 really is tiny and that I can wear that size. The most important thing to remember is your health, not how big or little you look. Good luck and join the crowd of fat thinkers who are really just fine.
   — Teri D.

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