What Is GERD

This may sound dumb, But what is GERD I would like to know Thanks.    — Sue R. T. (posted on August 23, 2001)

August 23, 2001
Gastric Esophageal Reflux Disease - In other words, heartburn which is frequent or constant.
   — artistmama

August 23, 2001
Feel free to check the library!
   — [Anonymous]

August 23, 2001
GERD is often refered to as "reflux" or "heartburn". It's actually stomach acid that comes up your esophogus, and literally burns it. If left untreated, GERD can cause "Barrette's Esophogus" which can be pre-cancerous. Oh----- and the sarcastic person who said to consult a library should learn to be nice!
   — lynn2574

August 23, 2001
You don't always get the ans you want from the library sometimes you have to search and search I notice most of the rude and curt comments come from anonymous folks...wonder how they read the question~~~!!!!!
   — Jackiis

August 23, 2001
I searched the library for GERD and found many answers for this acronym and this problem. I think Anon. was just suggesting that folks look in the library before posting questions that have already been answered many times before.
   — Kristy J.

August 23, 2001
It's heartburn.
   — [Anonymous]

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