had dilatation today. 16wks post rny no hard food to date what to eat now

I have lost 116# and been soft fooding the entire time. could use some tried and true advise. I hate gaking things up, thanks .    — ricky R. (posted on August 3, 2001)

August 3, 2001
Boy do I know how you feel 4 months and very llittle hard food ! i have been dilated I think 4 times now...such a joy...but on the good can try anything ...i had part of a BLT..yummy ! few bites of steak, one time the steak was fine the next it didnt' stay...oh my favorite a was so good....just remember protein first and try what ever you want! good luck
   — Sharon F.

August 4, 2001
i am sorry, what is dilatation? i have never heard this before. thanks
   — [Anonymous]

August 5, 2001
I also know how you feel - I had my second dilation 1 1/2 weeks ago (am going on 10 weeks post op). soups work the best for me...though I do try other things... a bite of my husbands steak, tiny bits of jerky... my biggest problem is what I can eat today, I usually can't eat the following week, it just doesn't taste the same. Good Luck!
   — chance2lv

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