What will make a surgeon chage his mind about your surgery

I am going to my consult before getting a date,andi wonder if the surgeon would change their mind about doing your surgery for any reason Other than medica? I have doe all things required of me for this surgery and now I meet the surgeon for the first time. I don't want to say anything to make her change her mind about doing this for me. I meet the requirments. Over 100lbs,sleep apnea,joint pain,leg swelling,ect. WhenI go is there things that hey look for to not do surgery? I am getting nervious for the first time since I started this in Nov.2000 and I don't want anything to screw it up. thanks    — Sue R. T. (posted on July 26, 2001)

July 26, 2001
I can't speak for your surgeon, but I would be very surprised if you were denied surgery. I have been lurking around since January and don't ever recall anyone being denied by a surgeon who met the requirements, would be able to handle a surgery, and was able to cover the costs. Good luck!
   — Angela B.

July 26, 2001
Some insurors require preop nutritional counseling and/or psych evaluations. If they discern that you are not fully capable of following the postop regimen and could potentially jeopardize your health by not being able to follow-through properly long-term, then you may be denied. They want to know how committed you are to the permanent lifestyle change, how well you understand what you are doing, and that you will follow-up with the doctor postop. They can also deny you if the preop studies show a medical counterindication, i.e. your cardiac or respiratory status is sufficiently poor that you would be a poor surgical risk. Otherwise, the big obstacle is obtaining insurance approval, not the surgeon's approval. Be sure your surgeon specifies approval of all the follow-up care also be authorized by your insurance company when they seek approval for your surgery. Best of luck!
   — Lisa D.

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