What are the benefits of Noni Juice?? Anyone know?

I remember reading many months ago, something about 'Noni Juice' and someone saying how good it is. Can someone out there expand on the benefits, the taste and health results for a person who has had WLS? Are the vitamins, minerals and protein in it enough for a WLS patient?? You can email me if you'd like. Thanks!! Kari    — Karen S. (posted on June 13, 2001)

June 13, 2001
My parents faithfully take Noni juice every day. It hasn't made much difference one way or another and they have been on it two years. It is basically a tropical fruit juice and as such probably would rank nutionally in the same categories as juice from guava, pineapple, etc. Getting a nutritional breakdown seems difficult so I would be concerned about the sugar content. Basically, it seems like a very expensive way to get some readily available vitamins.
   — Nanette T.

June 13, 2001
Here is the web address:
   — Diana M.

June 13, 2001
My mother takes it and I notice a big difference in her.I know it really helps with depression and helps give you more energy,also helps with pain such as neck pain,arthritis,headaches,and so on. As for taking in for the benefit of vitamins and minerals I would'nt recommend it.It does'nt have enough of that.
   — Vel K.

June 13, 2001
It tastes horrible. It puts me in the mind of boiled very dirty athletic socks. Terrible. Worse than terrible.
   — Jennifer H.

June 13, 2001
Hey Karen! It's supposed to be kind of a cure-all. Help with weight loss, provide energy, get rid of free-radicals that prevent disease. I have to warn you though- it's the nastiest stuff known to mankind- plug your nose & close your eyes! Good luck!!
   — sgeisendorff

June 13, 2001
I have been taking it for years and it has helped a lot of problems I have had. My whole family takes it and we never get colds or sick. Really builds your immune system I feel. I have several articles about it if you would like more info. Oh and by the way, not all Noni Juice taste bad, I take mine and it has juices added it to make it taste better. Good luck.
   — Gary H.

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