Has anyone bypassed appeals and wrote directly to corporate office and been approved

Has anyone who has been fed up with the long appeal process written(Cigna HMO or another company) to the corporate office/officer and gotten any positive results. and who did you address letter too.Do you have a sample letter of a stern letter.    — Miss Idell T. (posted on June 12, 2001)

June 12, 2001
My case was passed around from dept to dept and then once it reached appeals, it went from person to person. Each one saying they had 30 days to review! I told them I wanted to speak to the Medical Director. They said that I could write to him but they would not give me a name and they wanted it faxed directly to them. Yah sure, when the complaint is about them. I don't think so. I went ahead and contacted a lawyer who in turn wrote a letter which I did fax. Things are at least moving now and I am no longer getting tossed around. Good luck with yours. I do understand your frustration.
   — [Anonymous]

June 14, 2001
Yes, I was advised by other WLS patients at my workplace that this was the course of action to take. I was denied by the insurance company, called the corporate administrator and told her I had heard that she could intervene in WLS requests for coverage. I then fax'd her everything that my sutgeaon sent to the insurance company. She called me within a couple of hours, said that I met the criteria that the company has except that I would need a psych eval. She contacted me within hours of receiving my psych eval and approved me. GOOD LUCK!
   — Denise M.

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