Anyone else not appropriate for treadmill test?

My surgeon has requested a series of tests post-op. I had no problems with the psychosocial eval nor with the nutritionist. However, his criteria also includes an evaluation by a cardiologist. I know from the past that I am too large to do a treadmill test (the same cardiologist told me this). Does this mean I won't qualify for surgery?    — CaseyinLA (posted on May 18, 2001)

May 17, 2001
Hi I know that here locally if you arent fit enough for treadmill testing they can do it with medications they just want to see what your heart does under stress i cant believe that you would be disqualified because of being to big for the treadmill test that is part of what this surgery can correct the only question would be if your heart healthy enough to withstand the surgery Good luck
   — BBD

May 18, 2001
I took the treadmill test because I was having shortness of breath and chest pains. Because of my obesity, I was given medicine which stimulated the exertion of the actual physical exercise-the treadmill. The nurse called it "liquid exercise in a bottle." The whole things was done through an IV while I was laying on the table. Nothing to it.
   — Kristy J.

May 18, 2001
Colleen, I also had to have a cardiologist's approval for surgery because I had been on fen/phen before. I never saw a treadmill! I was only given a workup with a heart echo and an electrocardiogram. Perhaps you won't even need to worry about a stress test:)
   — M B.

May 18, 2001
Hi, I just completed a test called Thallium, which is a chemical stress test. Like the other posting mention it does to your hear what the treadmill will do and while you do it they can do an EKG and also pictures of your heart. I didn't have any bad reaction, I just got a little lightheaded. You might want to have someone take you! It was NO big deal and I was worried about the stuff they put in the vein. You'll be fine.
   — Karen Renee

May 21, 2001
Thanks so much to those of you who responded to my question. Your information has helped me a great deal. I never cease to be amazed at how kind and helpful people here can be. I was wondering, though, what is an "echo" test? Thank you, again!
   — CaseyinLA

May 21, 2001
I had a Persantine (a type of chemical that simulates exercise in the heart) stress test and laid on a cart while they did the echocardiogram. An 'echo' is exactly that: they put a wand that sends ultrasonic (sound) waves through your skin and tissue. To simplify the explanation, the resulting 'echo' when it comes back makes a picture of the muscle, etc. Good Luck!
   — merri B.

September 21, 2001
I was worried to. My cardiologist listened to my heart and took a ekg. He told me that he could do a stress test, but it wouldn't matter because if he did find a problem he would suggest the RNY any way.
   — Dennis G.

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