Post-op and alcohol.....

I had the Duodenal Switch a little over 3 weeks ago. I called to surgeons office to see if I could have alcohol, and she said go for it, just remember my tummy is alot smaller now and it won't take too much to get intoxicated. She said to make sure I don't drive. I went out and had a few drinks and everything seems fine. I had a very enjoyable time, in fact. There are several of my family members who continually insist that this is not safe, and that because of the surgery, alcohol will do damage to my liver. (even more than before surgery) I know alcohol, if not in moderation, does terrible things to the body, but I am not by any means an alcoholic. I occasionally drink socially. I don't know what to think about this. Any input or advice would be helpful! Thanks.    — Kim B. (posted on May 11, 2001)

May 11, 2001
moderation is ok but drinking alcool is just like drinking a full glass of sugar... think about it.
   — [Anonymous]

May 11, 2001
I was also three weeks post-op (RNY) when I asked my surgeon if I could have a glass of wine .... I was really craving a glass of my favorite red wine. He said that would be fine, and gave me the same warning about the heightened effects that your doctor gave you. I had one glass, it was good, and I haven't had another one since.... This is not something I'd do every day because of calories and sugar, however, it's nice to know that if I want one, I can have it.
   — lpsrabbit

May 12, 2001
My surgeon suggests we avoid alcohol for the first year, primarily because of the sugar content, secondarily because of the liver stress. Many obese patients have fatty liver problems, so the less stress, the better. For myself, at 10 months post-op I have had maybe 6 drinks in the last 6 months. I am a bit surprised that at three weeks post-op you could even consume several drinks!! I have never been a big drinker, and I have noticed that for me, one drink has become my limit. For whatever reason I have a much lower tolerance. - Kate -
   — kateseidel

May 12, 2001
I don't know about DS, but with RNY, my surgeon STRONGLY warns that alcohol effects (or is it affects?) us 3 TIMES what it did preop. He's had a patient get a DUI from only drinking a couple of drinks. This is serious stuff folks.
   — Cindy H.

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