What is the ins. co. or Dr. looking for specifically when you have a Psych eval. done

Why in general are Psych evaluations ordered for some patients? Is ther any specific outcome they are looking for? What if they find you are very depressed or somthething? Would that be a reason that surgery wouldn't be approved? Are they checking to make sure you are "normal" psychologically?    — Rachel W. (posted on April 10, 2001)

April 9, 2001
Don't stress about the psych eval. They are looking to see that you are making an informed decision about the surgery and that you are not currently in an extremely depressed state or have some kind of psychosis. People who are morbidly obese obviously have had some issues to deal with in life - whether it be depression, sexual abuse or assault, etc...Just be yourself and be honest. It will be fine.
   — Lisa B.

April 9, 2001
I have my psych evaluation on my profile. Check it out. It is exactly what the surgeon told me he wanted from the psychologist. Good luck.
   — Jeannet

April 10, 2001
I think the psych exam has NOTHING to do with knowing if you have made an informed decision or not. I think it has everything to do with making sure your doctor doesn't get sued post-op if you were not making a clear decision. I think that they are trying to find out if you are seriously depressed or not. My doctors fellow told me that they have even done the operation on schizophrentics (yes I know I spelled it wrong) who were currently leveled out on their meds. There really isn't much that a therapist is going to find out about in 60 minutes that I don't want him to find out, that is why I think it is more about the doctor's insurance than yours.
   — Elizabeth A.

April 10, 2001
I had my Psychiatric Evaluation on 4-5-01. This was required by my insurance not my doctor. The Psychiatrist (sp?) told me that the insurance company just wants to make sure that you do not have any unrealistic expectations of the surgery. I recieved a copy of my letter and it said "The aboved named individual was evaluated by the undersigned on 4-5-01 . This evaluation was for the purpose of preapproval for weight loss surgery. Her expectaions for the surgery are within normal range. Also, her mood and mental status are within normal range. Therefore, she is psychiatricly cleared for weight loss surgery." Hope this helps Good Luck.
   — Robin C.

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