Can being in ketosis cause nausea?

I am a month post-op and have the awful ketosis beath breath(yuck) Can being in this state cause some nausea? I'm a newbie, and still vomiting some. Any help would be appreciated!! Thank you : )    — Donna S. C. (posted on April 9, 2001)

April 9, 2001
Hi, yes ketosis can cause nausea especially if you are not getting in enough water. But ketosis also means you are burning fat so that is a great thing. My suggestion? Sip water constantly to help you body flush the ketones out of your system. This should help. Also, it is not uncommon to get nauseated easily as early post-op as you are so it may not be ALL related to ketosis. It should resolve itself in time. Good luck and hope this helps.
   — Kellye C.

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