How extensive was the eval you went through?
I just made an appt with a person to do my eval and was told that she would need/do the following: 1. 2 hour interview 2. need all medical records regarding my weight loss attempts 3. need all records from any therapists I may have seen Is this the usual? Somehow it seems somewhat excessive to me for her to be able to tell if I am capable of making a decision like this on my own. I'd appreciate any feedback you could give me. She also asked me what I would do if her findings were against my having the surgery. That sort of unnerved me. Sigh. Any thoughts? And finally...Does anyone have a copy of the letter written by a therapist to the ins co? I'd like to see what is covered. Maybe there are sample letters somewhere? Thanks. --Libby — Libby B. (posted on August 7, 2000)
August 7, 2000
This sounds far more extensive than the psych eval I had although mine last
two hours. They should not need to see any previous therapists records.
That is confidential information. If they don't know how to obtain what
they need through their own questions, then there is something strange.
They are looking to see if you have any eating disorders (bulimia), drug
dependencies, alcohol dependencies, etc. And to see if you not only are
committed to the program but that mentally you are able to commit to it. If
you are uncomfortable with what this psychologist asked for, call your
surgeons office and ask for another referral to someone else they can work
— [Anonymous]
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