WLS compared to gall bladder, c-section and hysterectomy?

I have had my gall bladder removed (not lap) as well as a c-section and a hysterectomy (not lap), so I've had the experience of 3 abdominal surgeries. I would like to know how those of you who have had any of those surgeries above felt they compared to WLS surgery (not lap) as far as pain and recovery time. In those surgeries I had little difficulty recovering and although there was some pain, it was nothing too terrible. Guess I was lucky. Maybe some of you could tell me how you thought they compared. I have read that some of you were in a lot of pain when you came to in the recovery room and I would like to know if you could compare it to other abdominal surgery you have had or if the WLS was your first experience. I'm just trying to get a feel for what to expect based on my previous experience. When I had a hysterectomy and the gall bladder surgery I came home and took care of myself with little difficulty. I had prepared for that and also had a back up crew who would come if I called, so I felt perfectly comfortable. I just moved in slow motion! I'm wondering if coming home alone after this would be ok with a back up crew or if it is a totally different playing field. Of course, my cats will be here to give me love, kisses and snuggles...that will help! LOL! Thanks for any feedback you can give me. ---Libby    — Libby B. (posted on June 24, 2000)

June 24, 2000
Libby, I also have had 2 C-sections, an abdominal hysterectomy and a classic gallbladder surgery. I did just like you after each of those surgeries and came home knowing that friends and family were just minutes away if I needed them, but essentially did just fine moving slow and not overdoing. You didn't state whether you are anticipating a lap or "open" procedure and that will certainly make a difference in both post-op discomfort as well as recovery time. I had a lap RNY in March, and it was a "walk in the park" compared to the other surgeries, but I truly don't believe that an "open" procedure would feel any different than your gall bladder surgery. Do you remember that the discomfort was a little more severe after the GB surgery because the incision was above the waist and closer to the diaphragm, making each breath uncomfortable at first? I would imagine that an "open" WLS procedure would be much the same, but certainly not any worse. You could also expect the post-op recovery time to be 4-6 weeks with an "open" procedure, similar to the other surgeries you have had...with the lap procedure, I was back to work the next week. With the other surgical experiences behind you, I think you're well prepared for what's ahead and I don't think there will be any real surprises in store. Best of luck to you!
   — Diana T.

June 24, 2000
i also had 2 c-sections and an exp lap procedure done very young. this was a little tougher to get over than the c-sections cause i'm 5 years older. but i'd do it again in a minute and i am only 12 days post. you can't believe how wonderful it is to be LOSING WEIGHT . well worth any inconvenience. good luck
   — shelly R.

June 25, 2000
I have many surgeries abdominal and others, including c-section, nephrectomy (kidney removal),ankle/foot repair,tonsils and adnoids, wisdom teeth etc. The laproscopic WLS was the least painfull and the quickest recovery to 110%. The pain is self limiting but the lifestyle change and how wonderful you will feel will ast your lifetime. Spend time concentrating on the future.
   — MARY E.

June 25, 2000
Hi Libby, I had 4 c-sections but considering that my "baby" is now all of 19 years old, I was NOT prepared for the "discomfort" (what an understatement THAT is!) of my wls surgery. I had open RNY in March of this year and for the first 2 days post, I thought I'd never be able to stand upright again! I am so glad that my kids were home when I got here to help me with so many simple getting out of a chair or picking something up off the floor for me. Your previous surgeries should give you an "idea" as to what to expect when you first come home, but make sure that your back up crew is on the ready and don't be afraid to call on them when you need them. Once I was home I began to feel about 8-10% better everyday and was ready to go back to work at 4 weeks post. I'm now 15 weeks post and feel GREAT! One amusing thought...I have 5 little dogs (mini dachshunds) and they were so glad to see me when I finally got home that they couldn't contain themselves. My "baby" long-haired was so excited that she immediately bounced right onto my belly in order to show her affection. I THOUGHT I WAS GONNA DIE! But, we both survived the moment and have lived to tell about it. Good luck, Libby, and God bless. cj
   — cj T.

June 25, 2000
I have had many surgeries, abdominal and others, including Appendix and Tonsils as a child, then three children all natural birth ...the last one weighted 10 pounds hence "THE LAST ONE" then within one week back in hospital in toxic shock, I had cysts and abscess all through many organs.. After two months of hospitalization with 7 total surgeries, exploritories, hysterectomy and spleen removal to name a few (which by far the spleen was worst surgery I ever had) Many years later I had gallbladder removed and marshal machete (spelling) incision was horizontal hip to hip, where they retied my bladder back to where it belonged.. After all these the RNY was a piece of cake.. But that is just my opinion I'll compare it to my open gallbladder removal though incision was about same and soreness and stiffness.. but no real pain to be concerned with...I think it really has to do a lot with your particular attitude going into to surgery and your wiliness to get up and around as soon after surgery as possible.
   — Victoria B.

June 25, 2000
Libby, I've had c-sections (up and down cuts) and hysterectomy (up and down cut) and gall bladder (horizontal cut) and gall bladder incisional hernia surgery. Then I had open RNY surgery and it was worse than all - although my husband says I complained much more with gall bladder surgery. The day of surgery and the next day after WLS were just fine- then my pain meds quit working and pain became almost unbearable until they were able to get a handle on it again. After that, I came home (3 hour drive - again almost unbearable pain). Then, I quickly weaned myself from the pain meds which were causing haulicinations. By day 8, I think, I was well on the way to recovery. However, this cut is different from the others and affects different muscles and your ability to do different things. I could NOT get up by myself from chairs or couch. You may need help there - and I could not pick things up off floor and had trouble putting on socks and shoes by myself. If I dropped the bar of anti-bacterial soap in the shower - forget about it! I had no problems sleeping in my own bed though (it is higher off ground that most, so I think that helped) and didn't spend any nights in the recliner which seems to be the choice of so many others. I started at 275, which may make a big difference. I didn't get a binder to wear home, which may also have made a difference. I could sleep on my sides in the hospital, which many could not. Since you've had so much 'experience' you know the proper ways to get in and out of bed already so that should help a lot. Best wishes and e-mail me with any questions you may have.
   — Cindy H.

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