What Protein Bars and Protein Shakes is everyone using?

I have been searching the stores for Protein Bars and Shakes. Many of them have a lot of sugar in them or are also high in carbs. What do you all find are the best tasting with the highest protein (low carb, low sugar) and where do you buy them? So far I have found the Atkins bars are very good and have zero sugar and are very low carb. Has anyone tried their shakes?    — [Anonymous] (posted on June 6, 2000)

June 6, 2000
There are some bars and shakes besides atkins that are out there. Go to GNC and you'll find plenty of choices. As far as the atkins shake, I've had it. It's good but try throwing some strawberries or blueberries plus ice and equal in there with it and blend it. It adds nutrition and much flavor.
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 6, 2000
I dont really eat alot of protein bars, but when I travel, I do like to have a couple with me. I've tried quite a few and have found one called Logic. It's really pretty tasty and hits the spot. It has 14 protein, 27 carbs, 3 sugar, 2.5 fat. I've yet to finish a whole one in one sitting. They are only sold online at
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 6, 2000
I can recommend a delicious high protein, low carb bar that Herbalife sells. There are 14 in a box for $16.95 plus tax. You can only buy Herbalife from a rep, and not in a store. The flavor is chocolate coconut. My mom sells these and I love them. Only 150 calories each, I plan to try eating these after my upcoming surgery which has not been scheduled yet. Also, Herbalife makes a High Protein, Low Carb Weight Management Shake Mix. Making it with water each serving has 15 grams of protein, 5-6 carbs, and 110 calories for each shake,and the cannister sells for $27.95 and is a month's supply. The chocolate is very good. I have also made it with 2% milk and that is a lot better tasting thatn the water. This shake mix also comes in packets, and 14 in a box cost $27.95. It would be worthwhile if this works for you to join the company so you could buy these products at a discount. Herbalife also makes a chocolate protein bar that is high in protein, and low in fat and calories. There are 3 flavors which include chocolate fudge, peanut butter, and very berry. Thought you all would like to know about this.
   — Kate F.

June 6, 2000
I'm 15 weeks postop and down 67 pounds, and I have tried numerous protein bars and shakes, and I didn't like any of them! The protein shakes are so nasty I had to add too much high-calorie stuff to them to choke them down - banana, fruit, milk, etc... I bought some Twinlab Cheramino protein syrup from Michelle Curran and although it tastes nasty you only have to choke down a little bit to get alot of protein! Plus no messy blender to clean up. Its a bit more expensive than the shake powders but I find it alot easier. Also I found protein pills, they're only one gram of protein a pill, but I take a couple a few times a day to add to my total protein intake. Watch out for the calories in the protein bars. Alot of them are really high in calories. The best way to get protein, besides the supplements, is skinless chicken or lean meat, cooked without fat.
   — Elizabeth M.

June 6, 2000
I use Pro Blend 55 (strawberry favor). You don't have to mix it with anything but water. The great thing about it is you can mix it with 4 oz. of water and you won't get that bloated feeling like all the others I've tryed. Three gulps and your done, of course, each scoop eqauls 27 grams of protein, so I would take it twice a day. Hope this helps...

June 6, 2000
Ive tried a lot of protein products but only found one that I truly enjoy. Its called Ultra Pure Protein Shake and it comes in four flavors (chocolate being my favorite). In a 12 oz. can you get 35 grams of protein and almost no carbs. Its a little thick but that is easily remedied by adding water. The drinks sell at GNC, usually in the refrigerated section. They are a little pricey at $2.69 per can but if you buy them with a Gold card you get 20% off. I drink one a day, sometimes two. It really takes the pressure off trying to find protein sources during meals.
   — Rita O.

June 7, 2000
Bars: Althought Pure Protein bars are probably the best numerically, I'm personally addicted to Extreme Body. You won't find a good enough bar in a grocery, but will need to go to gyms or health food stores to find ones that are high enough in protein, low enough in sugars. Power, Clif and Ironman, for example, are WAY too high in sugars for us. Proteins come in a zillion flavors and textures. There is a brand new type, a powder, that smells and tastes like Crystal Light. There are canned ones (3 brand that I know of) and juice bottle types of protein, which are a bit spendier than the powders. But there are SO many choices. Generally, the network marketing products are lower in protein, higher in sugar and grittier to taste, along with being more expensive to use. You should aim toward at least 30g at one time, but twice a day in LIQUID form. Bars are just a plus as we don't absorb as well from food sources as we do the predigested liquids. Never mix these products with milk (even skim) as that makes them into a gainer liquid. Stick with water, diet pops and sugar free juices, such as Crystal Light and s/f Tang.
   — vitalady

April 30, 2006
Trim Advantage has various high protein, low carb content bars and shakes. I really like them. You can't buy them in stores though. Here's a link you can take a look at... they make you sign up as a customer to purchase first though. You could probably ask for a sample first I think
   — Remedy001

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