Anyone experience early post-op depression?

Hi all. Sorry to sound like a bummer, but I am only 8 days post-op and wickedly depressed. I feel like crying all the time, and am very tired but cannot sleep. I remember these feelings from after I had my children. I made an appointment with my doctor for tomorrow, he mentioned liquid prozac, and I wondered if anyone has used this after surgery and had success? Thanks Pam OPEN RNY 5/23/00    — Pamela G. (posted on May 31, 2000)

May 31, 2000
I suffered from depression early on and it continued for several weeks. It wasn't severe but enough to know I had the blues. I continued to take my remeron...just crushed it up. Nearly 2 months post-op I can now take it whole (I was on it before surgery). Getting into the chat room and talking to other greatly helped also. Hope you get to feeling better...
   — Alicia B.

May 31, 2000
liquid prozac is a great idea. even though they repair our stomachs thay cannot fix hormonal or brain issues. meds to help with mild depression are a great idea. i'm pre-op and i'm going to have a script on hand just in case. there is no reason to feel bad if a med can help. good luck to you .shelly
   — shelly R.

May 31, 2000
Hi Pam, I am so sorry to hear that you are going through this bought of depression. I went through it too, and like you, it felt like I was going through the "baby blues" as I did after my kids were born. Fortunately, mine only lasted about a week and then I was alright. I even went through hot flashes as well as the depression. Both let up within a week. I think it is wise that you are going to see your doctor and getting some medication to get you over this hump. Had mine lasted as long as yours I probably would have gone after some relief too. Good Luck and keep your chin up...Everything will be fine soon, if you need a virtual shoulder to lean on or cry on, please feel free to email me =) Marni
   — Marni

May 31, 2000
Pam, the regular Prozak capsules are small. You should have no trouble swallowing it. I take on every morning along with my synthroid and glucophage.
   — dkkelder

May 31, 2000
The anesthetic takes a good week to wear off, it was a MAJOR depressant for me when I had a breast reduction- and I am preparing for my WLS with this in mind! After the first week, I was a lot better. That and the trauma of Surgery/Change- It could be just taking longer to get out of your system.
   — Karen R.

March 23, 2001
I suffered, unknowingly, from depression for over 5 years. I was put on 20mg Prozac and that was my first life changing activity. I always thought Prozac was a crutch for the weak...but no more. I am 4 day post-op and break open a 20mg capsule and mix it with water two times daily (YEACH!)...and it makes a HUGE difference. Get on the drug and get better. Stay with the drug and change your life. Good luck and God speed!
   — Kirt S.

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