Am I going bonkers or what?!

I was approved for surgery on the 14th of this month. Since then I have been second guessing my decision for surgery. I have the fear that I will be worse off then I am now and, that I won't lose much weight to ammount to anything! I feel so stressed out from all of this! I feel like I'm dammned if I do and dammned If I don't. I have been looking all over the internet to find someone who has had this surgery and has had success, someone who has weighed more than 350 pounds, someone who had the surgery more than 5 years ago. Does anyone know the long term affect is and how long you can live with such drastic changes to your organs? I feel like I am losing it when it comes to this decision, I need some words of wisdom , This is really getting me down. I don't understand where all this fear has come from. And, why all this second guessing after I have been approved? Help!!!!    — Cheryl W. (posted on February 17, 2000)

February 17, 2000
Dear Cheryl, I Just had to post to your post. I havent been approved. Even though I think its perfectly normal to second guess ourselves on this surgery. I Just had to post to you because I can imagine what you must be going through. *Smiles* Even without me being approved for the surgery Ive second guess myself now about 1,000 times. Do we really now the long term effects and things to that manner..But I Do know this, and there is alot of unanswered questions, but if your like me,its worth whatever risk I may run into later. I know that my weight gain and getting older will give me conditions that will only get worse. I Wish you the best, and I hope you make the right decision, *Smiles* Im sure you will...I Do plan on getting the surgery if I get approved, I Think in the long run it will be worth it..But I Do understand you being scared, and questioning it...Good Luck, If you need a Friend, Email me anytime.... :o)
   — Ann A.

February 17, 2000
Cheryl, Although I didn't start out at 350lbs. And I am only 5 months postop. I wanted to respond to your question. I think every single person out there felt the same way. I know I did. I even had anxiety attacks and I had never had them before. I started out at 270lbs my surgery was on 8/19/00 and as of today I am down 88lbs. I only have 42lbs to go to get to goal. I don't know of any other diet that you can lose 88lbs in 6 months. Sure there are risks, everything has risks including diet pills, etc. When you cross the street without looking your risks run higher. I am sure you have research this surgery and knew this is what you wanted to do. Your just getting cold feet and it's natural to do so. As soon as you have the surgery you will be wondering what you where so nervous about and wish you had done it sooner. Believe me that's how I feel. Good luck and let us know your surgery date. Becky
   — bperrin

February 17, 2000
You are experiencing very normal fears. I was scared and excited the night before but I found that denial can be a very useful tool in my situation. By the time I second guessed myself it was too late. I have lost 140 lbs since 9-30 with minimal side effects. Good Luck
   — snicklefritz

February 17, 2000
Hi Cheryl: Been there, done that! It's normal, and we all go through it. After all, you're making a permanent change tot he structure of your body. When I had second thoughts, I tried to remember the reasons I decided on surgery in the first place. Hang in there! Jaye Carl, open proximal RNY 7-29-99, 94 pounds gone forever!
   — Jaye C.

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