Anyone on prozac before Surgery?

My doctor just prescribed prozac for my depression due from my pain from being so overweight. I am wondering if anyone has had this drug pre and post op ,and how you are doing on it? Any complications, suggestions, your response will be very much appreciated.    — Cheryl W. (posted on February 9, 2000)

February 9, 2000
I love my prozac!!! I have been taking it for years. Both for pain and depression. I took 4 every morning before surgery and am now taking 2 every day 17 months post op.
   — Vicki Z.

February 9, 2000
I am on quite a large dose (60mg) and surgeon says it is not a problem. I will take it up until surgery. Probably resume not longer than a week after surgery. Friend that uses this and had WLS said the capsule is not too big for us. She takes 2 at a time. I am a different person with these wonderful SSRI's.
   — Shar /.

February 9, 2000
Hi Cheryl, I had a problem taking Prozac post-op.It made me sick to my stomach. I now take Paxil and it's great. Good luck & Good health
   — Juli T.

February 9, 2000
You can get Prozac in a liquid form. You might want to ask the doctor that prescribed the Prozac if you can have a prescription for the liquid to use during your first few weeks post-op. It would probably go down easier and be less irritating to your pouch while it is healing. Good Luck!
   — Lynn K.

November 16, 2000
I can't answer your question about post surgery as I have not yet the WLS surgery but I can tell you that I have been on Prozac for 4 years now and am having no problems with it. I think because Prozac is the grand-daddy of antidepression drugs, and because it used to be only the "crazys" that were on it, it got a bad rap. I was on Paxil for awhile but it didn't do much and it helped me to gain weight which is something that I can do on my own..thank you, I don't need meds to help me along. I think you should do good with the Prozac, just remember it takes awhile to start working, which I am sure your doctor told you. If you don't see any results in a month or so, let your doctor know. Good luck
   — Patricia L.

November 16, 2000
I have taken Prozac for 8 years. I am now taking 80mg a day. The thing I like about Prozac is that it doesn't feel like I'm on something. Although, when I quit taking it, I can tell the difference. Prozac usually takes about 4 to 6 weeks to reach full effectiveness so you may need a bit of patience waiting for it to "kick in." After my surgery I took my Prozac by removing the powder from the capsules the first six weeks while my pouch was healing. I mixed the powder with yogurt, applesauce, grape juice or Instant Breakfast. Regardless, it tasted really nasty. I would definitely recommend getting a script for the liquid Prozac, but if you live in a rural area you will probably need to contact your pharmacist is advance to make sure that it will be available.
   — Nanette T.

December 21, 2000
Every growing pain hurts, sometimes the psychological ones hurt the worse. If you are taking an SSRI, consult your prescribing physician before you make any changes in dosing. The brain chemical problem you are treating with your meds cannot be treated by WLS, they are connected in the whole scheme of things, but not by your stomach! I must say that I also work I work in Mental Health and there is no reason for any person to get to the depths of depression, it's not normal and there are medications available to treat it that could be right for you. See your physician or a community health psychiatrist for treatment and a referral for therapeutic counseling.
   — Elaine P.

December 21, 2000
I have been on 20 mg for about 4 years now- and I can honestly say, it makes me "normal".... I was off it for about 3 weeks during recovery- I probably should have looked into the liquid form, but as soon as I could start swallowing pills again, I was back on it. PS- My depression is caused by my condition, which is PCOS.
   — Karen R.

January 26, 2003
Cheryl, Although I am still preop, I started on prozac two years ago. after taking it for about two months- i felt emotionally numb so i decreased my dosage- i just never felt right taking it at all! But now i'm taking paxil and i'm doing great. I don't know if another medication made that happen or what- just my experience :D good luck!
   — Deanna H.

May 14, 2005
Hi, I have been on and off Prozac for years, and have never had complications from it. I can't say about post op, but hopefully I will know soon. Good luck.
   — spiritprism

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