Does anyone know if this surgery can be effective for people with so called "genetic

predisposition" toward obesity. I am concerned about having the surgery an having it not work" Pam    — Pamela G. (posted on January 30, 2000)

January 30, 2000
I have read of several sets of sisters as well as one 2- daughters-and-a-Mom set who have undergone the surgery and and subsequently done very well. Anyway, I suspect all of us who are "morbidly obese" have a heavy genetic loading. My fantasy is that our ancestors are the ones who survived extended winters and long famines because their bodies rapidly shifted into a seek-and-consume modes when food was available and immediately cranked down their metabolic thermostats when food was scarce. Efficient famine machines. Lousy land-of-plenty machines. Fortunately God let us invent WLS.
   — Marilyn P.

January 31, 2000
I had my RNY in October of last year and my aunt had her's in July 99'; my mother's side of the family woul by all mean s be considered "pre-disposed" to obesity, so yes... this surgery works!! I have lost 100lbs and my aunt has also lost quit a bit of weight! Best of luck to you!
   — Jamie T.

January 31, 2000
I think most of us have a genetic predisposition for obesity. On my mom's side most of the women are overweight. A few of my maternal relatives have been in the 400-500lb range. So many people have been successful with this surgery that I am very hopeful that this surgery will also help me be successful. Don't be afraid to investigate and possibly have this surgery. You are the master of your fate, and the captain of your soul.
   — kris R.

July 19, 2000
I chose to be our family's test rat. My mother is 400+, my sister 280+, my brother is 250+, in addition, I have various aunts, uncles, and cousins that are obese. My starting weight was 326, one month post-op 290. We shall see!!
   — Elizabeth W.

July 19, 2000
Pam... In a word... YES! In my family, we have 3 generations who have had WLS. I had my Duodenal Switch in July 1999 and I have lost 140+ lbs so far, my mom followed suit and had her DS in March 2000 and my 16 yr old daughter had her DS on June 20, 2000. Be sure to read up on ALL types of WLS and choose the best one for you. With the DS, you probably will never have to have a revision. It is alarming, in my opinion, as to how many VGB's, AGB's and RNY's are having to be revised. Just my .02. Good luck to you.
   — Kris S.

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