How can I find out what my goal weight should be?

My primary care doctor told me my BMI is 41 and my goal weight should be between 150-170 pounds. However, my nutritionist said my goal weight is 170 pounds. I am currently at 263 pounds. If the nutritionist is correct, I am 7 pounds underweight to qualify. However if the doctor is correct, I already qualify. Does anyone have the formula to figure out one's goal weight? My consultation with the surgeon is next week and I want to make sure I meet the requirements!!!! Thanks!!!!    — Kathi L. (posted on November 4, 1999)

November 4, 1999
I believe if your BMI is over 40 you are considered morbidly obese therefor whatever your goal weight is you should qualify. At least by my doctors standards.
   — Shannon O.

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