If you meet the weight and BMI requirement, how you can be disqualified?

I have my 1st consultation next week and will learn if I can have the surgery. I am very nervous about saying the "wrong" thing and being disqualified. For example, I am an emotional eater. Will that disqualify me?    — Kathi L. (posted on November 1, 1999)

November 1, 1999
Hey Kathi--I was so nervous before and during my first consultation appointment, I could hardly talk to the surgeon. I was sure he would not qualify me because I was "borderline" (as if 100-120 is borderline. If you have co-morbidities (ie., arthritis or joint pain, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.) be sure to bring these up to the doc. I think most of us are emotional eaters to an extent especially when we get this much overweight. I don't feel it should be a factor against you at all. Just try to make the doctor understand the necessity. Insurance may require co-morbidities. Depends upon the company. I have arthritis and some other borderline ones. Good luck.
   — Dot W.

May 2, 2002
Present a good front to the Dr. If you are afaid that he'll use the fact that you are an emotional eater against you ,just dont bring it up. Just stick to the fact that you need this surgery for your health and well being, and assure him that you know the pros and cons of having this surgery.
   — Farah C.

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