Does anyone else have a problem with overeating?
I am eight months post-op and seem to be very hungry at times. I try to stay at about four to six ounces but lately I've been overeating do to my mood a stress that I am under I feel like such a failure I've only lost sixty pounds and have not dropped a pound in three months since I've moved out of town. Does anyone else feel likt they do not get satisfied or shortly after you eat something you feel like you want to eat again. If so can someone please help me because I really don't want this to be the end of the road for me. Thanks — shalonda C. (posted on August 26, 2005)
August 26, 2005
Oh yeah! I'm hungry two hours or less after I eat. I think it may because I
eat to many carbs. Protein will satisfy longer and really is the way to go
for us. Are you eating alot of carbs? They spike the blood sugar and we get
hungry again.
— Danmark
August 29, 2005
I'm 3 months post op DS and I don't feel hunger pains at all. In my surgery
they actually remove the portion of the stomach resp for making the enzyme
that causes the hunger pain.
— T S.
August 29, 2005
the first 6 months post op I was not really ever "hungry" then
around 6 months I started feeling hungry once in a while. After 9 months it
came back with a vengeance. I get so hungry that I could bite a human. I
call it the starving wolf feeling. I fillup pretty well on 1 to 1 1/2 cups
of food at a meal. more if it is light/ watery, less if it is dense. I eat
6 times a day to avoid getting to that oint. emotional eating is a
different thing all together. I am going to therapy for that. I am
finding the book "how much does your soul weigh" to be helpful
— **willow**
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