Anyone in Clarksville, TN area preparing for surgery?

I am in the process of getting all the tests and studies completed so the Dr can submit my info for approval. I am hoping to find someone in my area who is going thru the motions at the same time I am (looking for support nearby). How is your process going? Is there anything you are not prepared for? Also, I have Tricare and I am seeing Dr. Steely at Gateway.    — Renee T. (posted on March 29, 2005)

March 29, 2005
Well I too am preparing for surgery on 04/15/2005. I do not live in your area but am here too support you in anyway I can. It is nice to have people to support you in this time of change. I too need support and have received plenty from people all over.Many blessings Alice Esquibel
   — Alice E.

March 30, 2005
Hello Girl! Help is not far away!!! LOL! My name is Jamie and I am 2 months and a week post-op. I had my surgery done on post in January this year! :-) Feel free to check out my profile, send me a message whatever! There are monthly support group meetings for us locally at Gateway and there are weekly ones for us military folks at Blanchfield (BACH) on post! To find out all the info on both meetings all you have to do is go to and sign up for the following e-list: [email protected] Tell Tammy the list owner that you are having your surgery with Steely and that you are military (you have tricare so I am assuming you are) and she will approve your membership to the list! Then you will have access to TONS of local folks! Hope to hear from you soon and big HUGS~
   — MagickalMom

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