Has any one had their surgery according to the position of the signs??

I know this may sound crazy, but I want to have my surgery when the signs are in the thighs, knees, legs or feet. This way it is going away from the surgery and the healing will be much quicker and less pain. Has anyone else done this? I know I did it with my gall bladder and I did just fine.    — RhondaShoemaker (posted on November 17, 2004)

November 17, 2004
Interesting! I am having my full TT on 12/17.. is that a good time?? I wanna be pain free too!
   — SarahC

November 17, 2004
you have got to be kidding??? I put my faith in a much higher power, Jesus Christ to get me through my everyday life.
   — ChristineB

November 17, 2004
Rhonda, I had to respond especially after the answer just below mine. Christine, to each his/her own and no one should critize how a person goes about choosing the time/day for their surgery. Some people can be so pushy, rude, and ignornant. Rhonda, any one who laughs at you for your beliefs is not worth the space they have taken up on this website. How dare they mock you. Rhonda, you schedule your surgery when you feel it is the best time. I am a firm believer in the power of the mind to help with healing and if you go into surgery feeling it is the most opportune time for you it will go better. Best of luck! Patty
   — Patty.W

November 17, 2004
WOW! I can't believe the rude responses that people have posted in response to your question. How ugly and childish. Their parents obviously forgot to teach them one of the golden rules IF YOU DON'T HAVE ANYTHING NICE TO SAY, DON'T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL!!! The mind is a powerful thing, more powerful then we can possibly imagine. If your scheduling worked in your favor previous times, then that's all the proof you need. Schedule during the time that you feel works best for you, this is after all, YOUR LIFE!!! Good luck sweetie!
   — lil_firestorm

November 18, 2004
I am sorry for all the rudeness to you. I think you are not talking about astrological signs but the signs in the farmers almanac. Yes, I do think it would be alright. Many people here in Kentucky , especially the older ones, plant things by the signs, cut hair, pull teeth, wean babies and etc. and I might add, it is quite successful and not just an old wives tale.
   — Delores S.

November 18, 2004
Christine, is it true? Is ignorance bliss? Many of us have many ways to get through life. If something works for some one, what do you care? Try being compassionate and leave the judgement to a higher power.
   — RL 3.

November 18, 2004
My parents are from KY and TN, and I am the granddaughter of a Baptist Minister! Yes, many farmers relied on the Farmer's Almanic so they would know when to prepare their fields for planting, planting of above or below ground plants, weeding, etc. Oh, and they did do things like cutting hair, weening, by the signs too! Oh, and I remember when my uncle decided to have his pig castrated - they guy who could do it said that he would do it when the signs were correct - and the pig only lost about a teaspoon of blood. Yes, I am a born again Christain, and I believe in Jesus Christ too. It sure seems those religious farmers of long ago knew they had something going by doing things by the signs!!
   — RhondaShoemaker

November 25, 2004
Yes, I, too believe in a higher power, but God also gives us the common sense to try things that the older folks use to use before doctors & medicines. My G'Mother taught me how to wean my sons off their bottles. You start in the knees and by the time it gets back to the head they won't want a bottle. Faith plays a part in this and it it...Good luck, judy
   — juju524

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