does anyone have trouble with low blood sugar after surgery

Several times since surgery my blood sugar went real low. One time I had eaten breakfast an hour before. I was glucose intolerant before surgery but not diabetic    — CHERSCOT (posted on October 1, 2004)

October 1, 2004
Did this occur after eating a carby food? Dumping is by definition a high blood sugar follwed by it going too low.So if you ate cereal with sugar for example the low sugar was your body over compenmsating. Try something higher in protein for breakfast and see if that takes care of it. this problem is pretty common and does improve over time for most posties
   — bob-haller

October 1, 2004
You didn't say how far out you are, but if you're approaching 2 yrs, I think it's very common among us.It seems to be the flip side of our lazy pancreas. I'm not sure anyone really grasps how to deal with it, but many of us discuss it often on the Grad list. Here's the link:
   — vitalady

October 1, 2004
Could be a sign that you're dumping on something. Stick to proteins when this occurs and stay away from the carbs. Works for me.
   — Cathy S.

October 2, 2004
I have the same problem, not sure why.
   — Burroughs

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