I am so afraid I have gained 16 pounds in 1 and half months

I am walking every day and working out I had my surgery done March 20 2002 my eating habits are good can't eat sugar. I eat at night sometimes can't lie everynight peanut butter sandwiches I can't get enough of them I am so confused please help    — christine G. (posted on August 1, 2004)

August 1, 2004
You know eating at night isn't good for you- so you also know you have to cut that out! easier said than done! I know it well I am a night eater too! try to eat the peanut butter off a spoon instead of in sandwiches- you don't need the bread- if you must spread it on something use a whole grain lower carb alternative and watch your portion size- you can do it! Love and support, Jo
   — jomu

August 1, 2004
2 Years Out is a rough spot for lots of folks. If you've gained that much weight in that period of time, it's time to get back to basics. Try protein only for a few days and see if it gets you back on the track. Try counting calories for a while too. Everyone falls from time to time. Get back up and try it again and go see your doc and make sure your mechanics are okay too.
   — Cathy S.

August 1, 2004
I find I crave things too. Try natural peanut butter by the spoonful, drop the bread and stay away from crackers too. Sounds like the carbs are getting you and causing food cravings. Drink lots of water and try to get back to protein, veggies, and limit fruit. I am so happy you are staying away from sugar...I stay away from it too.
   — debmi

August 1, 2004
I started eating natural peanut butter on graham crackers. I started gaining weight. I found out that the carbs in the crackers were making my blood sugar unstable and causing me to crave more and more food. Of course peanut butter is not a good choice because of the high fat. I am trying to eat nothing but meat, cheese, egg, and salad. I have a little fruit once in a while. It seems to help. Good luck.
   — judyc7

August 1, 2004
Sweetie, get into a support group or see a therapist before this gets more out of control. And join the Yahoo grad group. <br><br> They can help!<br><br> There IS sugar in peanut butter, so I wonder about that, and you need to stop eating bread ASAP. When you think you want to eat a sandwich, have two glasses of water, or a big protein shake instead. And if you miss the taste of the peanut butter, get a vanilla-flavored protein powder and mix in some Da Vinci SF syrup to flavor it.
   — kultgirl

August 1, 2004
I had my surgery April 2003 and I have started to gain weight (10 lbs in the past 6 - 8 weeks). I am very scared that I will gain all my weight back and that the surgery has failed. I know the surgery is only a tool and I am working with both my Doctor and the Psychologist to get things back in order. Let me know how you are doing and what is working. I am trying to stick with only protein but since I am a binge/stress eater I put things in my mouth before I even think about it. I keep working on it and I am not willing to give up - I have come to far this time! Keep focused - I know we can be successful!!!
   — raymee

August 5, 2004
I am the same way, but found that getting back to basics, protein first, low carbs, lots iof water and exercise helps me peel the weight back off fast. WAY EASIER THAN PRE OP!
   — bob-haller

August 5, 2004
Have you had labs done lately, often we crave what our bodies need. see your surgeon or PCP to get checked out
   — bob-haller

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