
I have official joined the centurian losers - down 100 pounds at 7 months post-op. Also previously I posted a question about non-nipple removal for a breast lift and found after doing a lot of research, that you can have breast a lift without removing the nipples, requires no sutures, no implants. It's called the Lasar bra technique developed by a California doctor who has a very good reputation in this procedure. I learned from him that it has very little pain and quicker recovery, as well as long-term results. If curious or interested go to your goggle search engine and type in "laser bra." - if you still can't find it email me I will send you the site.    — Anna M. (posted on July 10, 2004)

July 11, 2004
Anna, First,let me congratulate you on your loss. I just had a breast lift last Tuesday, 7/6 and am very happy with the results. I did not have to have implants because I had quite a bit of breast tissue. I think that really determines the need for implants or not. I noticed that you wrote that the laser bra requires "no sutures" This is a quote from Dr. Steven's site,"Once the breast is repositioned, the incisions are closed with dissolving sutures under the skin." I looked at the before/after pictures and the all had the traditional anchor scar from their surgery. It's great that you're looking into different options. I saw a few different plastic surgeons before I decided on the one that I felt the most comfortable with. I also had a lower body lift 2/18/03.
   — Pamela B.

July 11, 2004
I am having a breast lift/reduction at the end of the month. As far as the 'nipple' removal - my PS stated that depended on 'how' much they had to lift wether or not the nipples had to be removed... so far I far just inside the 'no nipples removed' ...
   — star .

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