Just a comment post op pain

I just wanted to let those pre-ops that are curious about the pain involved with WLS compared to other surgeries know my experience. I had open RNY back in August. I had a hernia repair before that and just 2 weeks ago had my appendix removed. Let me tell ya, nothing compared to the recovery from that appendix removal. The hernia repair was second to worst and then came WLS. I can only imagine that my recovery from the appendix would have been even worse had I still been carrying all my excess weight. I do wonder though that maybe I did so much better with my WLS because it was something I wanted to do...So, I do think that psychology has something to do with it. Just my 2 cents :D    — Morna B. (posted on May 19, 2004)

May 20, 2004
I think psychology has alot to do with it. WLS is something we look forward to for quite a while, and the benefits of it are something to continue looking forward to. Getting your appendix removed is an annoyance, something that you didn't want. I can see how it would be more difficult to recover from that.<br><br>A year and 110lbs after my WLS I had to have another abdominal surgery that was open. Because of the less weight it was MUCH easier to recover from the second surgery than ther first. I was only 265 at the time of my WLS, I can only imagine how much more difficult this surgery is for those in excess of 400lbs. Big hugs for them, my heart goes out to you. Rebecca Perkins
   — RebeccaP

May 20, 2004
I had my appendix out in 80, they did a bikini cut, just above the pubic bone. It was a breeze, very little pain and I was up and about just two hours aafter surgery. I had laporascopic surgery when I had my gall bladder out in 93, it was also a breeze. I am anticipating much more pain from wls. I will have open and since I will be cut from breast bone to belly button I assume the soreness will be equal to the incisions length. I'm ready for it though.
   — bubbleboo K.

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