My PCP said he has lost 2 patients so far, but Dr Waldrep said only 1

I went to a new PCP today (not going back EVER) and she said my WLS Dr has lost 2 patients.WLS Dr said only 1 out of almost 1000.Very freak problem and did not see it coming.Anyone heard of Dr Waldrep having honesty issues. I hope not he's a really nice guy.    — Amy K. (posted on April 3, 2004)

April 2, 2004
My PCP is in Auburn CA. He has spoken very highly of Dr Waldrep at my dr appointments (w/my pcp). My PCP said that the pts he has sent to Dr Walderp have all been very pleased with the outcome of the WLS. I asked my pcp if any of his referals to Dr Waldrep had died. My pcp stated "no". Dr Waldrep posted the statistics in his presentations. 1 out of 800 might not make it. For me it's the chance I'm willing to take. (God be with me)
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 2, 2004
Risk is individual to YOU! Sadly people die. But were they 800 pounds with a bad heart and unable to walk? Or a healthy lightweight with a BMI of 39? These are the questions. Plus did they follow instructions? A postie who doesnt drink their water and stays in bed can get a bloodclot and die. The same patient who gets out and walks and follows instrructions will likely do fine. Sure some things are not in our control but many are. The more you learn and know the better and safer you will be. Some people dont want to bother their surgeon with their swollen painful leg and not knowing better can die. While a educated poastie will call at the first sign of distress and be treated successfully for the same thing that killed the last patient. The fact your asking questions is a good sign you will do well. buy a book like barb thompsons the address is at the very bottom of my profile to help with that education process. Finally I was so afraid of dying on the table. Come to find out its really hard to die that way. Most who die do so after of complications the most common being blood clots. So remember get up and get moving!
   — bob-haller

April 3, 2004
I'm with Bob. People die. Its what caused the death that is of a concern. Some people go into this inches from death...others are fairly healthy, just obese. You need to find out this information.
   — Renee B.

April 3, 2004
Just because he had some deaths doesn't mean he is a bad doctor. it may of been out of his hands and not his fault. The patient could of been high risk and already sickly. who knows. Doctors does loss a patient sometimes.
   — B4real

April 3, 2004
I'm afraid that I'm not from that area so I can't answer your question...but I thought that it sounded to me that you were concerned over the discrepency between the number of patients that your WLS Dr. said that he's lost and the number of patients that your PCP said that he has lost rather than the fact that some of his patients have died. If this is the case, I would just ask him about it and I'm sure there is a good explanation for the discrepency; however, if there isn't and you don't feel comfortable, by all means you should find a new surgeon. I bet though, that everything will work of luck! Denise 280/144/below goal of 150
   — denisel

April 4, 2004
I believe the national statistics are that 1 in 200 WLS pateints die. That is the risk I was told pre-op, and know that I easily could've been that person. On the other hand, I was only 30 years old when my obesity very nearly killed me (my profile is detailed about this). To me, my excess weight was a greater risk.<br><br> But I agree with Bob too - you need the whole story... and you need a WLS-friendly PCP if you intend to have this surgery, as it sounds they will be unsupportive regardless of who does your surgery.<br> Best of luck to you!
   — kultgirl

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