Has anyone not lost a significant amt of weight after RNY?

   — Beth O. (posted on March 14, 2004)

March 14, 2004
I had the surgery in Jan. 2002 and lost weight (50lbs.) in the first two months, but since that time I can eat anything I want. I am now trying to check on a new procedure the Dr.'s do that scars the stomach opening too make it smaller. I guess sometimes the opening stretches too fast and stops weight loss because the food goes right through and you never get that full feeling they tell us about. I have gained back twenty of the fifty pounds I initially lost, so I am going to try this new procedure as soon as I can get scheduled for it.
   — Diana M.

March 14, 2004
It's pretty uncommon for people not to lose significant amounts of weight after the RNY, though it does happen--weight regain is more of a problem. You can find out more along these lines at the OSSG-Revision group at Yahoo: .
   — Kay B.

March 14, 2004
Beth, I really think succes has other definitions other than what the scale says. I have only lost about 60lbs, which is 40lbs from a reasonable goal. I stopped losing 8 months after surgery, and it has been 8 months since then. So, I am not near my goal. However, I am off a lot of medications I was taking before surgery, and I am much healthier. I would have surgery again in a heartbeat. I was head toward diabetes and heart disease, and I think I have significantly lowered those risks. It is discouraging to read about folks who have dropped all their weight in a matter on months and here I am, still struggling every day to maintain where I am! I don't consider myself a failure.
   — koogy

March 15, 2004
I've read that RNY success means 70-80% of your excess weight lost over about 2 years, so losing a 'significant amount of weight' is very subjective. At 17 months post today, I've lost 130 pounds which is exactly 70% for me. If you are following the rules of the pouch (protein, water, exercise) and still not losing weight, you should ask your surgeon about this to have your mechanics checked. I wish you luck.
   — Yolanda J.

March 15, 2004
I'm one year post RNY and I down 160 lbs. I started at 382 lbs and now weight 222 lbs Good luck!
   — Jodie S.

March 15, 2004
A postscript to my earlier answer--are you a recent post-op? If so, give yourself time. Almost all of us were afraid, early on, of being the unlucky one for whom weight-loss surgery wouldn't work. Yes, this is easy for a long-term post-op like me to say, but try to be patient and hang in there!
   — Kay B.

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