I had surgery on 3/4/ that's what 4 days post opt?....How soon before I start

seeing results....Am I too anxious??    — Peggy T. (posted on March 8, 2004)

March 8, 2004
Not to burst your bubble... but yes. They rearranged things on the inside - they didn't remove your "outsides", right?And 4 days is DEFINITELY too soon to be checking especially if you are using your scale at home. You just had surgery hon. They put fluids in you before, during and after. You are swollen. You are healing. <br> It WILL happen... just give it some time. In a few months, you will read the same post from someone else and say, "What?!" <br> I know I did the same thing ;)<br> Good luck - go have a sweet, sweet nap - 'cause soon you will be enjoying life a lot more.
   — kultgirl

March 8, 2004
Yes, it's a little too soon to be checking for weight loss. I am two weeks out from surgery (today), and when I got on the scale this morning, I found I had lost 15 pounds to date. Give it another week or so, and you'll probably be surprised by your scales just like I was. God bless.
   — Deborah L.

March 8, 2004
my DH had surgery 2/11/2004, and at his follow up apt to get his staples out 2/26/2004, he has lost 35 pounds. I could see it in his face and his ankles, even though he couldn't feel it. Give it time it will come off.
   — Pookie B.

March 8, 2004
don't get too anxious or discouraged. At first you are full of gas and all the iv stuff they put into you. I only lost 6 pounds the 1st week, then it picked up all of the sudden. Everyone is different. Welcome to the losing side. It's very exciting.
   — Carolyn B.

March 8, 2004
I know it sounds crazy but I expected to wake up from surgery thinnner. Not really but that was my fantasy. In the beginning is seems slow because we have so much to lose but then one day you walk by a mirror and don't recognize yourself anymore. I lost about 120 pounds in the first year (most of that in the first six months) and at 14 months I am at goal. Now looking back it seems so fast that my head is spinning. I had a tummy tuck 10 days ago and can hardly remember my formerly big self. You will be there before you know it and the best thing you can do is to just concentrate on proper nutrition and changing your former habits and it will come off with what will later seem like little work. Don't ever in the first 6 months try things that you know you shouldn't. Take FULL advantage of those first months as you will lose the most in that time and that window of opportunity really does close. GOOD LUCK!!!!
   — Carol S.

March 9, 2004
Unfortunately you may be setting yourself up for great disappointment. I'm three months out TODAY. I lost 44.8 lbs the first month and it has taken me two months to lose ten pounds. I was told from the beginning that the heavier you are the faster you tend to lose. I'M STILL WAITING. I started this journey at 410 lbs. I'm now at 357 lbs. I'm NOT HAPPY period. I do as I'm supposed to. I don't eat sugar nor do I bother with sugar supplements *they taste nasty and/or are too sweet*. I don't eat unhealthy snacks. I don't drink soda. I drink water but have a hard time getting in more than 32oz per day. I weigh everything that goes in my mouth and stop eating when/if I feel the slightest bit full. I avoid carbs because I don't know what the limits are for us *I was also told that I'm one of those people that don't absorb carbs well which manifests itself with a big stomach, and I don't want to take a chance on NOT doing well because of my carb intake*. I do cardio *treadmill and or stationary bike* three to four times a week. I can fit into my shoes again because my feet aren't swelling and I haven't had an asthma attack since just before the surgery. However, my clothes still fit me the same as they did before the surgery. I haven't been able to say wow, I couldn't fit this before or wow, this is looser than it was before. I still have that darned double chin that I don't think will ever go away so I believe that I'll never look in a mirror again without feeling physically ill. I've been depressed about it more often than not and have shed many a tear but refuse to give into the feelings of dispair. I say all of this to say, don't expect to see progress at all after this surgery just focus on doing your part and the rest will fall in line. THAT is what is encouraging in this situation and helping me to stay focused and not totally lose hope. Just take it one day at a time. Even though I'm not having the results that I believed I'd have, I'm still optimistic that it'll work out it will just take longer.
   — Niobe

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