Can someone tell me what hernia symptoms are...

if you have a hernia? I am experiencing pain in my upper abdomen and wondering if it could be from a hernia. And iis is common for someone who had LAP RNY to develop a hernia?    — Sheryl W. (posted on January 10, 2004)

January 10, 2004
Hi- I had Lap RNY in April 2003. It is said that a person will rarely get a hernia from a Laproscopic procedure. However, I did get a hernia. It was not the type that protrudes out of the stomache. It was called a mesocolic hernia. It is where the connection was made in the bowel area.It depends on how the surgeon did the procedure. If they went through the colon it can open up with rapid weight loss- making a hernia. The syptoms for me were sharp stabbing pain in between the rib cage-right below the sternum. Even with strong narcotics the pain was still there and I did not find any relief until I had surgery to correct it. I would say it was the worst pain I have ever felt, worse than child birth. If you have pain or think you may have a hernia- see you surgeon right away. Good luck.
   — Jan S.

January 11, 2004
Jan, Thanks for your response. Can you tell me what tests are done to determine if you have a hernia? My pain is about the same as you described, but not constant. My other problem is that since my insurance has changed, my surgeon does not take the one I currently have, so I need to go through my PCP. So, I am trying ot gather as much info for her as I can. I think I am her only WLS patient.
   — Sheryl W.

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