exercise program to follow for men?

I see many posts for women and exercise programs followed. do i need a personal trainer? a gym? A book? how about some of you men--what are you doing?    — Frank O. (posted on January 5, 2004)

January 5, 2004
Frank, It is so nice to finally see a male post for a change. I was beginning to wonder if this was a female site only. In answer to your question--I go to a local gym five days a week. I lift weights three days a week and do a cardio work out two days a week. This works for me. I had my surgery on May 16, 2003. My weight on the day of my surgery was 301 pounds. As of today I weigh 192 pounds. Good luck with your journey! Gene Oxford, Alabama
   — Gene F.

January 5, 2004
The amount of weight that you choose to lift may be different but the exercise is the same whether you are a man or a woman. Burn the calories and build the muscle. I think that a one time visit with a trainer is a great idea to get you started so that you do not injure yourself. If you are going to a gym then they will probably provide that especially if you are just signing up. I know that my husband does more muscle building exercises than I do but the goal is the same, fitness. When he is out of it for a while he starts back with just running ( I would suggest walking to start) and push ups. He stays pretty fit with just that. Oh yeah sit ups too. Good Luck!
   — Carol S.

January 5, 2004
I used to do cardio 4 days per week and weights 2 days. Now I do yoga 6 days aweek. I go to a yoga class once a waeek. @yrs out went from 380 to 180. and have been able to maintain. These past holidays have been tough. I have gained about 4 lbs. I am going to try to be a little stricter with my diet (portion controll). Good Lux
   — Robert L.

January 5, 2004
I have a suggestion for you. There is a website that my husband has been using for over a year that maps out a personalized workout program for you. The website is and my husband loves it. He has made great improvement since he began. The nice thing about this website is that it is personalized as far as whether you work out at home or a gym and what your specific goals are and your what your level of experience is. Anyway, you might want to check it out and see if it interests you.
   — Dawn P.

January 6, 2004
If you want a REALLY GOOD workout:) Do demol;ition at a fire damaged house, see my profile! I have been seriously considering a part time job at a store or something stocking shelves. Why pay for a gym when you can get paid and exercise at the same time?
   — bob-haller

January 6, 2004
I am rebuilding my patio (with patio stones) and going to the gym for basketball a couple of times each week with my son (18)... I need to do more cardio, though. Good luck! (surgery 7/11/03, down 118 to 227)
   — Tim W.

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