How do you get the insurance company to pay for your arm and leg plastic surgery?

Already I can tell that my arms and thighs are going to need plastic surgery once I reach goal weight. I have heard that insurance comapanies will not cover this but will cover TT. Is there anything I can do now to get my case ready so that my insurance company will pay for my reconstructive surgery for my arms and legs?    — neneburge (posted on December 30, 2003)

December 30, 2003
It is difficult to get insurance to cover plastics other than a TT and a breast reduction, however, as with any plastic surgery, you must prove the procedure is a medical necessity, and not just that it doesn't look good. Start gathering evidence from day 1. Visit your PCP often with complaints, such as thighs rubbing together causing rashes or sores. Document and photograph everything. Good luck.
   — Cindy R.

December 31, 2003
Do what Cindy's a process that takes some work. See how vigorous your surgeon's office is willing to "go after" getting it approved. It IS tougher to get thigh and arm surgery approved so also be prepared for that. Good luck.
   — DrL

January 5, 2004
My insurance company didn't pay for either my arms or thighs. I had my arms done last year and paid for it out of my pocket. I'm having my thighs done in May and also paying for it out of my pocket. I will suggest if you have a flexible spending account (FSA), with a letter of medical necessity from your doctor, the FSA will pay for the plastics. That's how I'm getting my thighs done in May.
   — Patty H.

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