Is is true that birth control pills slow down your weight loss?

I am almost 5 months post-op and very happy with my weight loss so far. I have about 39 more pounds to go until I reach my gaol of 140, I am currently 179. I need to get back on birth control pills, I'm afraid they will slow my weight loss. I need your experiences. thanks.    — Tiayuana F. (posted on December 30, 2003)

December 30, 2003
Some birth control pills and other forms of birth control that use hormones <i>can</i> slow or even stop your weight loss. Pre-op, there have been two different birth control pills which prevented me from losing any weight at all with normal diet and exercise (sorry, it was so long ago that I don't remember their names). Because I had encountered these problems pre-op, I didn't want to have birth control pills hinder my weight loss post-op, so I chose the NuvaRing (inserted intravaginally, it secretes hormones similar to oral BCP). My hope was that using an intravaginal birth control method would thwart the weight loss-stoppage i had experienced in the past. After i started the NuvaRing, two months went by with only a three pound loss (and this was month three and four post-op), and i was also very constipated. I finally made the decision to stop using the NuvaRing, and within a week lost five pounds. However, these are just my experiences, and everybody's body is different. I'm sure there are several women who use BCP and still lose weight. However, after wasting two months within my "window of opportunity," I've decided to use condoms instead of BCP until i've reached goal (30 more lbs.). Good luck to you in whatever you decide! (Open PROXIMAL RNY 7/7/03, 226/162/132)
   — sweetmana

December 30, 2003
I don't think BCP slowed my weight loss (it was the carbs that did that! LOL). BUT they may not be as effective as they were preop. If you REALLY, REALLY do NOT want to get pregnant, you might talk with your dr about other methods.
   — ctyst

December 30, 2003
There is a new birth control pill out called Ortho Tri Cyclen LO. It has a lower dose of hormones which they claim results in less side effects like weight gain,acne, and facial hair. I was on the regular Ortho Tri Cyclen and I did put on weight, I am currently off birth control now because I am waiting to have surgery, but I am planning on starting up again after surgery with the new "Lo" pill. I like that particular brand of pill because it really helps clear up blemishes and minor acne.
   — Kara J.

December 31, 2003
Our stats are very similar. I'm at 185. I've lost 85 pounds in the 4 months since my surgery and have been taking birth control pills the whole time. They have never had any effect on my weight loss or my weight in the past that I've noticed. I've been taking them for years. Of course, I'd consult your gynecologist, just to be sure. Good luck and great job on your weight loss!
   — jenpatalano

December 31, 2003
I don't think it slowed mine - I lost 101 pounds in 6 months, 163 in a year and am now down about 175 lbs at 15 months out. However, remember that we malabsorb birth control meds like everything else. I didn't trust that mine was working post-op; I kept getting my period on the third week. A switch to a higher dosage seemed to help and now that I'm under 198 lbs, I'm on the patch so the malabsorption isn't an issue. (The patch has an increased rate of failure for those over 198 lbs) If you're sexually active, I'd recommend using a condom in addition to the pill rather than relying fully on the pill, because an unplanned pregnancy could REALLY slow your weight loss! ;-) Supposedly we're more fertile during this time due to the release of estrogen from fat cells.
   — sandsonik

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