Is my hernia supposed to be making noise?

Ok, I have had this hernia since before I had my surgery. My surgeon wanted to put off repairing it until I lost my weight because it would come back. It's a ventral hernia that I had repaired before but came back. Now, sometimes it hurts and feels like it's out so I push it back in. Lately, it makes a whooshing noise when I push on it. Should I be concerned or could it just be fluid? I've had others listen to it because it is loud enough for them to hear. I know it's real cool party trick but am I ok? Has anyone else had this? Thanks :D    — Morna B. (posted on December 11, 2003)

December 10, 2003
I started getting a hernia just before my year anniversary. Since then, (I am 16 mo post-op) it has gotten to where I can push in it and I can see it come back out. Like you sometimes it hurts but pushing it in makes it feel better. One day I was doing laundry and each time I bent down to pull something out of the dryer it made really loud noises. It was pretty funny. My surgeon at my year appt said I should get a tummy tuck and have it repaired as soon as I can. I started making appts with plastic surgeons and just sent in for ins. approval. I am not quite ready for the tummy tuck yet but if I have to have it early to get it paid for I will. I do get scared now when it really startes to hurt, I am terrified it will get stuck and I will have to have emergency surgery. So, when my ins.approval comes through I will be making an appt with my PS. Good luck to you. 325/160/who knows.
   — Angela A.

December 10, 2003
I also have a hernia at my belly button. But the thought of pushing it back in terrifies me!!!! You guys are brave indeed!!! LOL But yes, it gurgles funny there, and also I can feel anything I eat just slowly "sifting" through it also! I can't wait to get it fixed :) tracy
   — TracyInTheZoo

December 11, 2003
Hi, I currently have a rather large umbilical hernia, most of it is below the belly-button. If I have lots of gas, it really hurts and I cannot push it in, but when I don't have gas, I can push it in, and, quite often, it makes a squishy sound. I am not sure what that means. It doesn'thurt but sounds funny lol.
   — catly

December 12, 2003
Thanks ladies, I guess it's not so abnormal. I really can't wait until I can have it repaired.
   — Morna B.

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