Wooden Spoon??

How in the world do you use the wooden spoon? Specific details please.    — Connie B. (posted on November 28, 2003)

November 28, 2003
don't get stressed over the wooden spoon. Actually, the majority of people do not have to use them. A lot of it depends on how obese you are. It is hard to wipe certain places with a cut open belly if you know what i mean. Good rule of thumb, if you don't have any problem wiping now, you more than likely won't when you have surgery. my cut was 9 inches straight down my belly and I still managed to do this for myself.
   — Delores S.

November 28, 2003
For people that have a higher BMI, it's a life saver. A lot of, "light-weights" don't need the spoon. Here's the process I used: First, I only needed the spoon after a BM,not for just urinating. Wrap toilet paper around the end of the spoon, arch your back and tilt yourself forward for a good position,I held the spoon about 1/2 way down the handle ( for good leverage) and did my thing. A wet wipe works great also. It's harder to get to stay on the end of the spoon though. Don't flush them ! You'll figure out what works best for you. Like I said, some people don't even need the spoon. Hope this helps.
   — bloom

November 28, 2003
I had a high BMI (60+) and never used an aid to wipe...I did 'lean' against a wall though to get my hand back further and had to lift my panni, but never used a secondary aid like the spoon. If I'd gained much more though, it would have been the next step :>(
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 28, 2003 <BR><BR> After surgery, you may experience swelling and/or pain which makes it difficult to reach after going to the bathroom. The above link is for a device that like the wooden spoon aids in being able to reach.
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 29, 2003
The wooden spoon worked GREAT! I used the cotton whips instead of toilet paper that way it won't fall off the spoon. It was a life saver for me. I did not want to ask for help I only used it for 1 week.
   — Janine Greenwood

November 29, 2003
I started off with a BMI of 56, I never needed any help in that department and I had an open RNY, so hopefully you won't either!
   — Saxbyd

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