Someone anyone please answer, checked library, and already asked

I have at least 6 - 7 bowl movements everyday, most of the time it is disturbing my sleep becase I have to wake up every couple of hours to go to the bathroom. Then it is hard to go back to sleep. Dr. has me taking anti-diarrhea pills, 3 in the am and 3 in the pm, no help what so ever. Is there anyone else having this problem or just me?    — Christi S. (posted on November 24, 2003)

November 24, 2003
Sorry haven't had the experience of WLS surgery yet but do have problems with a lot of BM's. I would suggest making an apt with a gastrointerologist(sorry about the spelling)-it may be an allergy to dairy or you may have IBS. You need to see a specialist. Try drinking Lactose Free milk. Hope this helps!
   — gina L.

November 24, 2003
Did you have the RNY or the DS? Some of those who have the DS do have more frequent bowel movements to include diarrhea. Have you had this problem since your surgery or is this new? If its new, it could be chrohn's disease or some other gastro problem. Have your doc refer you to a gastroenterologist.
   — Cindy R.

November 24, 2003
You really need to talk to your PCP or your family doctor. That many bowel movements are not normal. I have something called microscopic colitis and went thru that, though I never got woke up at night much. My diarreah had to be cleared up before I could have RNY because of the threat of major malabsorbtion that would occur if I would have had WLS while still having diarreah. There is a possiblity that you have irritable bowel syndrome or irritable bowel disease (IBD) and that can usually only be diagnosed with a doctor doing a thorough medical history and a colonoscopy. IBD is an inherited disease, inquire with your family members if they have some of the same problems. Be aware though bowel problems are sometimes not talked about much because they are embarrassing, you may have to pull the info out of them. It is also very important that you get this under control before you become ill from all the loss of nutrients that you are loosing.
   — ChristineB

November 24, 2003
This is just an off the wall opinion but I was suffering from the same thing. I switched protein drinks and the problem decreased greatly. Might want to try that. My opinion here only.
   — snicklefritz

November 24, 2003
I know you are as distal as I am. Those kinds of BM are fairly common with those of us who have this more radical RNY. I only had that issue for the first year, some only for a few months. I avoid milk. Not cheese or ctg cheese or sour cream or cream cheese, just MILK and ice cream. I found some fats also made me crazy. And then sugar is a sure thing. Doesn't take much, either. When you say several--do you mean at once? At first, I had 5-6 little, um, activities in the morning. And again 12 hours later. And the TIME of morning would be my body's choosing, not mine. I used to say I was up at 2:30 because "my bowels woke up". And since I'd be awake long enough to sit out 4-5-6 little actions, I was awake. Very annoying. Then it would move around the clock til eventually it got matched more to my rhythm. MOst of the rest of the RNY world is plagued with the OTHER problem. And now, so am I. And in theory, it cannot happen with a procedure as distal as ours. There are many days I'd pay extra to have just one day out of that first year again, if you catch my drift. Hopefully, you will get the Immodium or Lomotil dosing just right for you, and figure out which items are the problems for you. You are drinking lots of water, right?
   — vitalady

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