Are Protein Shakes suppose to be so thick.

No matter what I make my shakes with (skim mik or water) they are so thick that it is hard for me to get them all down.    — Robin S. (posted on October 31, 2003)

October 31, 2003
I made a mistake once and got SOY protein instead of my regular WHEY protein and it nearly gagged me. you can definately tell a difference. It is my understanding that Whey is the best for us unless you are lactose intolerant. I have no suggestions to make the suy any better. It is just awful IMHO.
   — Delores S.

October 31, 2003
Hi, Robin; I have pretty much given up on the protein shakes because I'm allergic to milk, and I simply don't like them mixed with water. So I went to GNC and bought some unflavored whey protein mix, and I can mix it with Crystal Lite, juice, sugar free Tang, sugar free Kool Aid, etc. I can also mix it up in my sugar free Jello. The kind I bought has 17 grams of protein per serving, so if I mix it up with 4 8-ounce glasses of liquid, I'll have 68 grams of protein. <p>I hope this helps! Good luck, Moysa
   — Moysa B.

October 31, 2003
I use Unjury chocolate. It is the same consistencey as chocolate milk. Tastes just like it too! :) Good luck!
   — TheresaC

October 31, 2003
I have always thought that the shakes called for too little water, so I added a few oz's to 'thin' them out. Sometimes this works, and sometimes it's a disaster. Experiment. If something call for 8 oz. of water, I add 12 oz. and the consistency is much more paletable. Then I found out about the Nectar brand drinks, not thick at all, and very tasty! If you don't want to mix anything, try the ISOPURE premixed bottled protein at GNC in the cooler, awesome taste, but $$$. I just can't abide the taste of thick anything.
   — track

October 31, 2003
What brands have you tried? The one I take mixes up in about 6 oz of water (I like it with ice) and delivers 30g protein, about the same consistency as milk. I've never made a shake with milk as my doc forbids it and I agree. Only water and Crystal Light, stuff like that.
   — vitalady

October 31, 2003
Have you tried the Nectars?? They are fabuous!! There is the green apple (my fav) carribean cooler... another yummy one... they also have strawberry kiwi and berry cherry (take it or leave it) These are not thick at all... and by far the best protein drinks I have had by far... you mix them with water. I am just over 6 weeks out.. and when I first came home, I was doing the thick shakes.. YUCK!! The first time I got sick was on EAS Mocha Chocolate...(which by the way is absolutely delicious) after that episode.. I will no longer drink the thick milky ones... Good luck!! Chris
   — chris S.

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