When you are post-op RNY will you no longer be able to absorb any fats and oils?

I know that people need a certain amount of fats and oils in their diet to maintain a healthy body, do we loose ability to absorb ALL oils? Is it inevitable that our skin will get dry and hair loose it's luster?    — Diane S. (posted on October 30, 2003)

October 30, 2003
<font color="007000" face="tahoma"It really depends on the person. Some RNYers cannot do any type of surgars, not even natural ones (like in fruit). Some don't dump on anything. <P> As for myself, I have tried a couple of "fried" things (when at a school mates house, was asked to stay for dinner, I didn't know his wife deep fries everything). I seem to do ok, but I dont want to push things to much. My skin has always been dry, and living in a place with Zero humitity (sp) doesnt help. <br>Good luck with your journey!! <I>~~Wendy D, RNY 4/23/03, -114lbs~~</I></font>
   — Wendy D P.

October 30, 2003
You will still absorb some, just not to the extent that you do now. You are bypassing some of your small intestine, some malabsorbtion is expected and is the reason for the bypass.
   — RebeccaP

October 30, 2003
My surgeon recommends taking 1 tea spoon of extra virgin olive oil a week. Its a good kind of fat our bodies need. You can put it on crackers or make an egg cooked in the oil.
   — Renee B.

October 30, 2003
For about the first month or two my legs were very dry and itched so bad they hurt. It's hard to know how much was from the diet, from the anesthesia and changes in my body and because it was winter in WI. It's been fine since then and I just occassionally use lotion. I do eat an occasional deep fried thing, which is usually onion rings. There are fats in meats etc, and since I eat a lot of protien I guess I am absorbing some fat and getting enough to keep my skin and hair like they should be. <p>You could do what we used to do with one of our dogs - give her the margarine or butter wrapper to lick off. Helped her coat. LOL
   — zoedogcbr

November 1, 2003
Even at 15 months out I know I still malabsorb oils, because I can see them floating in the toilet - sorry if too graphic :>) I do take healthy fats in to keep my skin, hair and bowels healthy. My nutritionist has me taking 1 tablespoon a day of ground (fresh) flaxseed daily and it has REALLY helped!
   — [Deactivated Member]

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