I am moving to Texas next week, need a new doc!!

We are moving to the Dallas/Ft.Worth area of Texas next week. I am 10 weeks out from my surgery and down 50lbs!! YEA!!! But anyway, I would like information from anyone in the area on a really good doctor to try to get with. I want to keep up with my after care to insure that I succeed!! Any help would be greatly appreciated!! THANKS!! Kathie 259/209/145    — Sothrnbel3 (posted on October 23, 2003)

October 23, 2003
Kathie, I don't know the name of a dr, but my suggestion is to ask your surgeon if he knows anyone in the area that he would suggest. I had done that with an allergy specialist when I moved from one area to another. You know those guys have what seems to be secret society, but I think it's really just a network (cronies from med school, attending WLS seminars, etc.) Good luck.
   — lharbison

October 23, 2003
Are you looking for a PCP or a bariatric surgeon? I have a great PCP and a WONDERFUL surgeon - Dr. William Reardon is my PCP and he is very supportive of my weight loss and my decision to have the surgery. Actually, I started seeing him after my surgery but he has been wonderful. My surgeon is actually in Wichita Falls but it is well worth the drive - Dr. Kenneth Warnock - or as he is known to his patients - An Angel in Cowboy Boots. I live in Dallas and I have never for one minute regretted my decision to go to Wichita Falls for my surgery and my tummy tuck. You can email me at [email protected] if you would like more information. By the way, welcome to Dallas! Where exactly are you moving to? Maybe we could meet sometime.
   — Patty_Butler

October 23, 2003
Welcome to Texas! I go to Dr. Warnock here in Wichita Falls. He was recently rated number 24 of the top 100 Bariatric Surgeons in the Country. He is a true Blessing! It would be well worth the drive.
   — Beth B.

October 23, 2003
Dr. Warnock was voted 24th on AMOS. Actually according to the Association of Bariatric Surgeons or whatever the association is he is # 1 in the country of all the doctors doing RNY. He has the lowest mortality and serious complication rate in the country.
   — Patty_Butler

October 23, 2003
I absolutely and highly recommend Dr. Dirk Rodriguez. He is now in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area, he was previously in Palestine. Office staff is great too. He did my RNY in Jan of 2003.
   — raye

October 23, 2003
Let me just caution you that it might be difficult to get in with an actual Bariatric Surgeon if he did not do your surgery. You might be better off trying to find a good PCP who is very WLS savy. My PCP is Dr. James Otto at Baylor in Dallas and he has a lot of WLS patients and is the one who recommended that I have the surgery. The surgeon I used was also at Baylor and was the one he recommended.
   — Kathy S.

October 24, 2003
Hi Kathie, Dallas is huge. What part of town will you be in? I have an outstanding PCP as well as surgeon. My primary physican is Dr Julia Graves. You can reach her at (214) 219-6655. My bariatric surgeon was Dr Julie Leverton. She is in private practice now with Dr Idhe. They both used to be at the Bariatric Treatment Center in Wylie, TX. They are both incredible and run a very strong after care program. Insurance is handled well by their office. Our support group is called Belly Busters and meets the first and third Tuesdays of the month at Lancaster Medical Center. I also go to another great group. The Starbucks WLS Support group meets every other Saturday at the Starbucks on Abrams Rd at Royal Road. If you email me with what part of town you will be in, I will let you know if there is a closer group. Welcome to Texas. This is a wonderful place to live. Check out the Texas ObesityHelp Message Board too....very nice folks there. Have a great move. Ann Brown Open RNY 414/306/?
   — Ann B.

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