My taste buds have been on the fritz since surgery 4 weeks ago. Any ideas?

Water even taste nasty. Chicken franks that I have always loved taste very salty. It has been like this since surgery 4 weeks ago.    — Kathryn B. (posted on October 20, 2003)

October 19, 2003
While I can not tell you why, I can tell you that you are not alone. Quite a few post ops have reported this issue. Have you looked in the archives?
   — M B.

October 20, 2003
I experienced the saem thing. It lasted several months and I believe it might have been related to ketosis. It will go away in time, however, you might find that your tastes actually change, ie you won't like some of the things you loved pre-op and you'll love some things you previously couldn't stand.
   — Barbara C.

October 20, 2003
I hear you with the funky tastebuds!! : ) I had surgery 10 weeks ago today. My tastes were all messed up for several weeks too. I only recently (past two weeks or so) have begun to really enjoy the taste of things again. Now, I must say my "tastes" have changed pretty dramatically since a pre-op. I used to love eating breads, pastas, sweets, etc. However, at this point I am more into the quality of food rather than the quantity and I find that carbs (some of those I listed above) are a waste of my precious pouch space. I know I can only eat a very small amount of food, so I go for the wonderful taste of food now. I have become much more creative in the kitchen using different spices and combinations of spices to get wonderful tastes. I opt for the protein first to continue losing weight, stay healthy and feel full longer. Don't worry...your tastebuds will come around in time. Best wishes on this wonderful journey.
   — Kamy

October 20, 2003
My taste buds were gone for weeks. I am 3 months postop (down 60lbs!) and it has just been the last 3 weeks or so that I actually enjoy the taste of food. Things I used to love did not taste good at all for quite a while. Accordingly to my doctor this is normal. Give it time and just eat what you can at this point. Remember the 4 most important things....protein, protein, protein, and water. If water tastes funny to you try Fruit H2O - comes in lots of wonderful flavors. It is mostly what I drink now! God Bless!!
   — laurab

October 20, 2003
taste buds and nose!! i thought i'd turned into a bloodhound. my husband did a little cooking for himself while i was still on the liquid stage, i wanted to kill him, in my mind he was torturing me with smells. like the others have said, it does go away... everyone is different, yours might last a while longer, or a bit less... but eventually you'll be back to normal. good luck
   — Karen D.

October 20, 2003
Get use to it... I am 5 months out and my taste buds are still on the fritz. Nothing tastes good to me anymore. It's weird... I can be eating something, it will taste ok then the next bite might make me nauseous! Go figure.
   — Happy I.

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