Are there any so called lightweights out there that felt life before WLS was better?

   — Diane S. (posted on October 17, 2003)

October 16, 2003
I agree with the previous poster. My life is much better then before. I have a much better self esteem, look better and feel better. I would do it again in a heartbeat!!
   — Patty H.

October 16, 2003
I agree with the previous posters. I am also 5'1" and weighed 218 prior to surgery. I am currently 135lbs at 14 monthhs post op Roux N Y. I wouldn't change a thing about my decision. I love my current "normal" size, I feel better, look better, am exercising more. My husband can't keep his hands off me, my clothes fit great- NO MORE PLUS SIZES! I am now waiting for my tummy tuck and breast lift in Feb. Then I will feel even better! Nope, I wouln't change a thing or want to be 218 lbs again. Not ever!
   — cmlattig

October 16, 2003
I'm sure anything is possible, even this, but I can't imagine liking pre-op life better. In fact I've had surgery TWICE (7 years apart) because I absolutely hated the way I felt at that weight. I've not had any complications with either surgery, except for the staple line disruption that prompted me to have my revision. I guess if someone has major complications they would regret the surgery and prefer their old life.
   — Ali M

October 16, 2003
Are you kidding??!! I wouldn't want to go back to how I felt pre-op for anything! I am healthier and have more energy, aside from looking better. (My DH had surgery, too and intimacy (to put it delicately) is WAY better without the third person we've lost between us!) I can only think that someone might think life before surgery was better if they were suffering from untreated depression. (And that can happen after surgery!)
   — koogy

October 16, 2003
I'm not sure I'm considered a "lightweight" but at 267.5lbs, everyone at the hospital kept telling me I was "small." That's pretty funny, in itself. Anyway, did I find life before surgery better than now? Absolutely NOT! I am healthier, happier, gorgeouser, can move like a gazelle and not an ox. I wouldn't trade back to that other life for all the ice cream in the world! Hang in there... I know you will start to accept the new you and your new lifestyle. Perhaps some support from a trained therapist can help you through the rough spots. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 17, 2003
NO!!! My life (what little I had) SUCKED before. Now I'm living life and enjoying it to the fullest. And because I'm way more healthy, I'll be around a long time to savor every second of it. ~Sidney~ Open RNY 10-23-02 down 120+ and counting
   — Siddy I.

October 17, 2003
No. This was the best decision I ever made. In 3 1/2 months I went from morbidly obese to "overweight"! I feel great, I'm looking good, and I can't wait until I reach my goal. I feel better about myself inside and out. Go for it! It's scary right before surgery. And those first few weeks afterwards you aren't quite sure you made the right decision but once you are healed up, IT's GREAT!!! Good luck!
   — GailV

October 17, 2003
Are you saying that you feel that way? I know that no one here would want to negate your feelings. If so, please let us know how you're feeling and maybe we can address your specific issues. We're here to help!

October 17, 2003
No Way!! I would not go back to the way I felt before surgery. I weighed 270lbs back in July and now I am down to 212lbs! I have a ways to go but I am feeling better every day physically and emotionally! It is great to not look in the mirror and see nothing but fat. I am so glad I am not the fattest person in the room anymore. I am very happy I had the surgery - would not change it for anything. But it has just been lately that I feel this way - Before I had my doubts just because of the recovery process. It has been 3 months today and I would do it again in a heartbeat at this point!
   — laurab

October 17, 2003
Hi Denise, I was also a "lightweight" at a 40 BMI. There was nothing light about me. My body, my attitude, nothing. My life has changed since surgery but not just because of eating less food. That is the last thing on my mind anymore. I have lost 74 lbs and feel like a normal person now. I don't worry about new social situations or meeting new people. I look good and feel good. Yes, I have more to lose, about 40 lbs. But even if my loss stopped here, my life is so much better. You will still be able to eat again. I can eat anything I choose, just less of it. What is wrong with that? It doesn't take away the enjoyment of getting together with friends or going out to dinner. Focus less on what you will be losing and more of what you will be gaining. I don't suffer from a loss of the good things in life, I am enjoying them so much more. And remember, just because you are a lightweight now doesn't mean you would stay that way without surgery. Why weight until you are a "heavyweight" to change your life. Go for it and relax. Best wishes for your surgery, I know things will be great!
   — blank first name B.

October 17, 2003
If you're worried about feeling this way, I can understand it. I'm a new post-op (lap RNY 9/11/03), and for a couple of weeks I asked myself, "what have I done?" I missed eating food!! My lifelong friend was not available to me, and I was afraid that nothing else would come along to replace it. At a little over a month out, it's still tough, but I'm getting there. My energy is coming back, I've lost 26 pounds, and I'm starting to wear clothes I haven't worn in years. So it keeps getting better, and I keep feeling more and more that this was a good thing to do. From what everyone says, it will continue to get better, so I'm keeping the faith there.
   — Carlita

October 17, 2003
I've run across a few that think so, but they are usually ones who have severe depression and can't deal with not being able to consume massive quantities of food anymore, or who have had multiple medical problems due to surgeon error, or a few who ended up with enlarged stomas and are very unhappy as there is no difference to the large food amounts they take in as a post-op compared to their pre-op days. Most everyone on this board though is happy with the results of their surgery. You may be able to find a yahoo group-OSSG that are unhappy with their surgeries, as there is a yahoo group for everything! But frankly, its normal to feel jittery before this surgery but if you have severe doubts, postpone your surgery until you are sure it is what you want.
   — Cindy R.

October 17, 2003
Hi! I was a true light weight (208#, 5'6"). I even had people in chat comment on my being able to have the surgery, and other people who "needed" it didn't get approval. My story is too long to put here, but you can read it on my profile. I had several complications, still have lasting problems at 3 1/2 years post-op, but I would be dead by now, if I didn't have the surgery. It is normal to be concerned, and scared. It could be a life saving experience; my "light" weight was killing me. Good Luck and May God Bless You --
   — CohenHeart

October 17, 2003
hi do i regret it yes. my surgery was went great very little pain than at 3 weeks when i really started to feel better BOOM was hit with gallbladder attacks.the pain was awful surgeon had me wait 6 weeks and be on liquids to let my body heal more.had my gallbladder surgery 2 weeks was not fun very fight with constipation,diarea,felling like no energy,now my hair is falling out by the handfuls.sure i have lost 55lbs but feel like crap and look like crap(bald crap).i am returning to work monday maybe it will help get my body least at 263 i felt fine.Was very tired after work but at least i could work.i felt healthier at the heavier weight than i do just changes your whole body structure.i have no desire to eat i have to force everything and it makes me gag if i think about it.i could live on liquids and be hoping a couple more weeks and i will be fine.oh and by the way i researched this site and others for 2 years before making my mind up to have the surgery.I must have missed something because i was in so much muscle and hip pain from losing so fast.i spent more money on chiropracters and massage than i did on the surgery.i am sorry im rambleing but if you are in good health now why chance it.the good part is getting all new clothes.and getting a new hair color--darker to cover balding.i can see better days coming.
   — patty L.

October 17, 2003
Hi, Denise: I have to say that even though I've had some problems post-op, I still feel better today than I did pre-op. I've had problems with my allergies, nausea, and such fatigue that I've been off all week from work. However, since I've lost 37 pounds, my joints don't ache NEARLY as much as before. Before, my arthritis pain was so bad that I just didn't even want to live any more. Yep, that bad! But now I have cut my arthritis medicine WAY down, and I can walk more than I could before, and I'm feeling much better about myself. <p>So, even with the problems I have, I'd still do it again in a heartbeat. Good luck on your upcoming surgery! Proximal lap rny, 08/19/03, 273/238/???
   — Moysa B.

October 21, 2003
If you want to read my story from a 3 year post op point of view please check my profile. I wouldn't have this surgery again if it was all paid for. There are no guarantees in life. Most seem to do well with WLS. I did not. Had a takedown last year due to many more problems postop then preop. I hope that everything goes very very well for you and I wish you God's blessings and love while you are going through this time.
   — Barbara H.

October 23, 2003
I have regretted this surgery from day one. The day of my surgery, I weighed 224 and was 5'2". I researched this surgery for two years prior to surgery. I had the surgery to help improve my health, especially back problems. I had surgery on 7/22/03. Contrary to another post, I do not regret this surgery because of depression. The depression would be because of the surgery. I have had epigastric pain since my surgery date. I had surgery again end of September for gall bladder, adhesions and stricture. Was out of hospital 3 days and still had severe pain. Back in hospital. Upper GI showed very large intestinal ulcer. Had scope again and some more adhesions. Still horrible pain. Had surgery over again and found huge ulcer, adhesions down further in the intestine and very small opening. Still in extreme pain. Just released from hospital on a feeding tube because I can not eat or drink. I have been in the hospital the whole month of Oct. I haven't been able to work, with the exception of a couple of days, since my surgery. Do I regret this, you bet. I dont' think people that have problems with this surgery discuss it enough. Maybe a year from now I will feel different. Have I lost weight? yes, approx. 60 pounds but I would gladly take every pound back to get rid of all this pain. I wish I had heard more about the complications people had. When people write that they had complications, they rarely go into what they were. It also seems like they are kind of put down for being negative if they discuss them. I still have hope that I will feel good some day but we need to be more honest about what we can go through. Melody
   — Melody B.

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